Friday, October 30, 2009

Marilyn Monroe Bathroom Theme

Give rest, O Lord in Thy Kingdom

Among the first victims of the epidemic, a young priest UGCC from Ivano-Frankivsk region. My mother, too ill and so weak that it could not be at the funeral. He remained half-year-old son ...

Presbyopia Vs Hyperopia

in nine areas Ukraine quarantined: schools are closed, the regions in isolation

Tavie here novsti
Given the fact that exactly a week later I was just going to a wedding in western Ukraine, made a Today his flu shot, drink and amiksin aflubin. Ride may be masked have? ..

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How To Convert Outboard To Electric

Place, which is our temple

On the destruction of the cemetery Gusinovskogo Lugansk

Archpriest Paul Batarchukov, the abbot of the temple of Lugansk Holy Martyrs Guria, Samona and Aviv, tells the story of a temple on the site blasphemous destroyed the cemetery.

York 1003 Instructions


all brothers and sisters on a holiday!

"Remember us in your prayers, Lady Virgin Mother of God, yes not perish for the multiplication of our sins, protect us from all evil and evil afflictions; more trust in Thee and Thy Veil holiday chestvuyusche, we magnify Thee. "

PS I apologize to all who have offended his previous post. He goes under lock and key. Probably, it should Bulo do from the outset. Or even in a personal his translate? ..

Friday, October 2, 2009

Weeding Bed Decorated

AM Kopirovsky of Coptic iconography

From my bessedy with [info] am_kop September 19, 2009 (several coiffed form). Alexander M. Kopirovsky (hereinafter MCA) - Professor Holy Orthodox-Filaretovskogo hristianskogo Institute (on Moscow).

Koptskaya VI century icon "Christ and holiness Mine" (Luvr, Paris)

I: me these are always very interested in the Coptic iconography. Some absolutely amazing icon

AMK: few of them left the unit. Famous icon of "Christ and St. Mina" when savior hugging saint Mina like this over his shoulder. The seventh century, is an early iconography.

I: Is there any literature on this subject in Russian?

AMK: in Russian literature of doubt that was in English mostly. The French do smoke.

I: She told me always something reminiscent of children's perception. Such an impression as if a child has drawn.

AMK: It's not entirely true, honestly speaking. Simply Eastern tradition, the Copts in particular (this is also the ancient Egyptians), they have pictorial tradition, though was, but by the time the Copts accepted Christianity, Egypt has been, so to speak, in deep decline, the Romans out of it all, naturally, forced out. That is, it was pathetic glimpses of tradition, they all lost. Therefore, influence on the Copts are more likely to Syria. In Syria, the artistic tradition of this was not and so they worked could be a good deep, spiritual people ... And the lack of tradition caused them to move in the channels here such as to be almost children's drawings. But this must be understood: it is one thing when a child draws all the time children's drawing, there are sometimes living things like that, but it's quite by accident. And when an adult writes like a child, but just follow their tradition, then there things get interesting, because there's integrity (the main feature of any picture - it's integrity - the proper distribution of the whole space meaningful composition, the artistic transformation of reality). In all things early Coptic is all there is. But the form such that people accustomed to to European painting shocking ...
So there is specificity. But it will be a very long time to get used to, because there is, for example, Abraham and Isaac, is often repeated; he is himself all the strange, he has such a sword that's bent, just like a snake. This is a special form ...