Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Loose Skin Near Tonsil

The Orthodox Church

O strange Orthodox Church, so poor and weak, with neither the organization nor the culture of the West, staying afloat as if by a miracle  in the face of so many trials, tribulations and struggles; a Church of contrasts, both so traditional and so free, so archaic and so alive, so ritualist and so personally involved, a Church where the priceless pearl of the Gospel  is assiduously preserved, sometimes under a layer of dust; a Church which in shadows and silence maintains above all the eternal values of purity, poverty, asceticism, humility and forgiveness; a Church which has often not known how to act, but which can sing of the joy of Pascha like no other.
(Lev Gillet)

О странная The Orthodox Church, so poor and so weak, has neither the organization nor the culture of the West, by some miracle to stay afloat in the face of so many testing, hardship and struggle, the Church of contrasts, so traditional and yet so free, so archaic and so alive, so the ritual, and so personal, church, where so carefully preserved the priceless jewel of the Gospel, though sometimes under a layer of dust, the Church, which is in shadow and silence remains above all the eternal values of purity, poverty, asceticism, humility and forgiveness; church, which often do not know how to act, but who can sing on Easter joy like no other.
(Lev Gillet)