Friday, June 26, 2009

Martha Stewart Advent Wreath

Holy Icon of the Mother Nunnery

There is a place in Starobielsk.

But it an amazing spiritual guide and intercessor Fr Cyril.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Caught My Neighbor Streaking

perception of humanity of Christ Western consciousness

In continuation of this - an interesting sketch of. Kirill Mironov aka [info] pkirill , so do not forget (taken from here ):

Of Catholicism Protestantism and as a consequence become property of the entire Western world, make such an image of piety as "active compassion." Mission famine relief organizations working with (nakromanami, alcoholics, prostitutes, teenage criminals, etc.). It is important to note that in spirituality such societies, sverhmotivatsiya for staff is often achieved by the complete identification of the person of Christ with the suffering man. Thus, in the litany Blessed-meditation. Teresa of Calcutta is written in plain text:
... Jesus - is hungry, it needs to be fed,
Jesus is stripped, it must be put,
Jesus -Sick, it must be cured,
Jesus-convict, it must be comfort,
Jesus-bum, should give him shelter ...
and so on until: "Jesus is a difficult teenager it must educate, "and even" Jesus-freak, it must be freed from the power of drugs. "
Such rigid vochelovechivanie the person of Christ and an indication of His ownership of the human animal pain and sorrow, is designed to make people as possible to experience all the more keenly the evil of this mortal world, and with him fight.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Kody M At Active Duty

Critique of socially active monks, and not only

Inspired by message brother

How important is it for our lives (especially eternal life) serve as the neighbor! I recalled the words Apostle that if "someone on their own and especially about the domestic cares not, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever" (1 Tim 5:8), but in a wider context. After all, for our own in some sense, all (of Adam).

Maybe I thought about it because I was already on edge stuffed all the spitting in the direction of socially active service, which fly from our brothers in the context of controversy with the heterodox. Of course, sometimes this ministry can really become an end in itself, going aside from the main, but is striking that a disparaging tone, sometimes referred to these words. Here you are there spiritual obmirschali, all hungry to feed, so for caring for the sick, and here we have "smart doing! We sit here in keleyke, pobezmolstvuem, not what you - with pots nosites!

not shape it wild hypocrisy, excessive and misplaced pride, mixed with hatred of others' good cause? And even something to be proud of the way, not much. Schmemann once wrote that " in the Orthodox Church has almost no monks, who would not consider it their sacred duty, two years after vows to write a treatise on Jesus' prayer about spirituality and the ascetic, to teach "intelligent making", etc. »

I think that is not a bad monasticism socially active ministry. May, for other is the path of salvation, can that person can not attain without this humility and love? Read a recent article Tyszkiewicz, where he has love for his confession said, that they

All are available for Church or the Diocese of countries have missions to numerous churches, high, middle and folk schools, hospitals, shelters for children, the elderly, mentally ill, terminally ill, with the monasteries strictly contemplative life, or charitable, with the centers of cultural activities, etc.

Thus, a person here is a place for any form of ministry.

No, not the way of salvation be reduced to one following of a strictly defined stencil type duhvnosti. The article by Tatiana Goricheva « On Renovationism, ecumenism and politgramotnosti " believers "are good words:

To my great regret, in Russia and come across a different position - the extreme skepticism about everything connected with the non-Orthodox world. Criticized In particular, typical for the Western Christian tradition, active ways to show mercy. Well, no doubt, the fascination with the external to the detriment of the Inland very dangerous, but there is no need and to educate the Orthodox twice as much negation of all the world. Orthodox unlikely to lose to learn More details about the life of Mother Teresa. Temptations and mistakes, of course, could meet on its path, but we must admit that most of us are infinitely far of inner experience and state of mind of this man, his life is devoted to his fellow man. Most of us, alas, tend the opposite - the indifference and indifference to human suffering. So it would be important to wake up in sympathy with the people than to inspire them ideologically sterile, but, alas, no one has not personally experienced и не прочувствованные оценки. Для меня самым сильным впечатлением от виденного на Западе был и остается призыв матери Терезы, прозвучавший с трибуны конгресса in Stockholm: "I beseech you in the name Hrisga, do not kill their children, do not do abortions! Just parents and give them to me! "

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Best Catapult Blueprints

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday faithful in the Lord's brother, the indefatigable truzhennika, an exemplary family man, a wise, original and ... just a wonderful person [info] dennislapin !

Teach us so schislyat our days, that we get a wise heart. (Ps.89: 12)

blessing of the Lord!