Thursday, June 25, 2009

Caught My Neighbor Streaking

perception of humanity of Christ Western consciousness

In continuation of this - an interesting sketch of. Kirill Mironov aka [info] pkirill , so do not forget (taken from here ):

Of Catholicism Protestantism and as a consequence become property of the entire Western world, make such an image of piety as "active compassion." Mission famine relief organizations working with (nakromanami, alcoholics, prostitutes, teenage criminals, etc.). It is important to note that in spirituality such societies, sverhmotivatsiya for staff is often achieved by the complete identification of the person of Christ with the suffering man. Thus, in the litany Blessed-meditation. Teresa of Calcutta is written in plain text:
... Jesus - is hungry, it needs to be fed,
Jesus is stripped, it must be put,
Jesus -Sick, it must be cured,
Jesus-convict, it must be comfort,
Jesus-bum, should give him shelter ...
and so on until: "Jesus is a difficult teenager it must educate, "and even" Jesus-freak, it must be freed from the power of drugs. "
Such rigid vochelovechivanie the person of Christ and an indication of His ownership of the human animal pain and sorrow, is designed to make people as possible to experience all the more keenly the evil of this mortal world, and with him fight.


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