Thursday, July 16, 2009

Motorola V9 Install Theme

Spirituality East and West

Recently, Fr. Igor Labatsevich raised an important issue. In the arbitrary transposition of the Belarusian his words can be summarized as:

Looks so that the present dialogue between the Christian East and West will not lead to unity, because the object of dialogue is not the real reason for separation. One can go hunt in the history of who was right at the beginning - Pope Leo or Patriarch Kerulary, but not in this case. Moreover, not even in the filioque and the primacy of the Pope in the case - all dogmatic questions can be resolved. What can not be reconciled - is spirituality. It is impossible to reconcile, for example, Palamas and Loyola. It is impossible to reconcile Ephraim the Syrian and Lesser Teresa. As well as in the case of Uniates - it is impossible to reconcile the liturgical tradition of the East with Ignatyevskoye spirituality. Such hybrids generate monsters.

I'm actually not close feedback St. Ignatius Brianchaninov of Catholic saints. But objectively difference, reaching to the incompatibility of spiritual experience is still there. How else to explain the rejection, or a very cautious attitude by the Catholic monks practicing the oriental way of spirituality.

For example, the Benedictine monk Gabriel (Bunge) in an interview said literally the following items:

However, I must admit that in the Middle Ages to the West were mystical, especially women, who are alien to me and are not available. I belong to a different school. I do not have, so to speak, those organs that would allow me to understand the affective, exalted mysticism. For me the fundamental rights of every spiritual life - moderation, lack of exaltation, as last - the ground for demonic charms. That is what we see today in charismatic. Must be very careful, be very wise to have a greater simplicity and purity, not to be mistaken, do not fall into the mistake which has Evagrius calls imitation, imitation of the spiritual, mystical states. This is today называют самовнушенными состояниями, то есть воображаемыми мистическими (духовными) состояниями.
У Феофана Затворника, который, кстати говоря, очень популярен in the West, was a very keen understanding of western mysticism. He once exclaimed: "Oh, those West who can not distinguish between mental and spiritual!"
When a newcomer comes to me, I give him the basic texts - sayings of the Desert Fathers, the Philokalia, etc. When he reads, he can read that wants. First, we need to impart taste, and when his taste is refined, he will feel in any other product, whether it is true.
If you start reading with the female mystique of the XIII century, it forever spoil your spiritual taste. If the taste you will be healthy, you and it will be able to read, and from there you take something good and useful.

And about. Vsevolod Roshko in correspondence with Fr. Alexander Menem wrote:

As part of the Catholic dushepoleznoe reading for us not edifying, but rather disgusting and therefore tempting. In the "Fioretti" *, which in general are so dear to us, see Chapter 44, that the degree of spiritual perfection - depending on the degree of suffering that the righteous is experiencing, reflecting on crucifixion. Then it was to think that way, who opened St.. Francis, for us to open. Here a large danger for the Russian who is among the Catholics: those ceremonies, the thoughts that feed on Catholics themselves are not bad, but alien to us. Unprepared soul falls into despair, in anguish and then into indifference.
difference between spiritual paths in a little church feasible. Uniatism there is only self-deception.

On the other hand heard that Tomas Shpidlik, RI (Tomáš Špidlík, SJ) in one of his books (Ignácz Loyoly a spiritualita Východu) shows that Ignatievskaya spiritually close Orthodox tradition, and they complement each other. Sorry, no translation of the book, even in English, it would be interesting to read ...

PS In my opinion the most serious anti-Catholic material is being distributed by the Catholics. Here are today seen a specimen of the new "spirituality." Lydie "prayed for the experience, which became known as the baptism of the Holy Spirit! And so it is God's answer to "Veni creator spiritus"! Yes, of course, I understand that I antiharizmat and that it is not All KC. But still feel a shock ...

UPD: [info] lupandin meditations on the relationship with the Eastern asceticism.


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