Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Holly Willoughyb Fake

No baptism without catechesis

Ur, here is news ! Just do not know whether to believe in something what finally became possible, albeit in a separate diocese!

And just this morning I finished reading " bleached cornfields " Fr. Alexander Borisov. And (I never thought that this would happen when the begins to read) a sense of the book were mixed. There is a book in my opinion a lot of wonderful ideas, but sometimes the author very "fills" in the Protestant jungle. But still worth reading ...

In general, I think, Arch. Vikenty (Morar) the right thing began paramount. And thank God!

PS Here is today reflected on the natural religiosity: came to me in the beginning of the workday employee asking if he could at home to keep the old Icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov, written on a tree, which he got by inheritance, and to what angle it is better to hang? I explained that, of course, maybe that hang preferably on the eastern wall (there are Christians such an ancient tradition - praying in the East), although it is not necessary, that it is a big shrine - is likely if icon was painted by hand, written with prayer (not printed in printing presses, which, oddly enough, a prayer for tirazhirvanii does not work). And most importantly - That the presence of icons at home can be a good stimulus for prayer. To this person I noticed that he was not praying for the icon he is. I said that are now available and short, plain and simple prayers in Russian - in the end, when the eye glides over the corners of the room and stops on the icon you can simply say "Reverend Father Seraphim, pray for us!", Although of course it is desirable to acquire the main icons in the house - an icon of Christ Himself. But my interlocutor in response positioned himself as an unbeliever. And what is interesting - at the same time, he said that he saw that the icon hangs just on the wall "to pass - and decided that the icon there is no place and should it outweigh a special way into a corner, above the. And, actually, asked me, in what corner of the icon should hang, and in general can and keep it at home or she can place in the Church. Thanked me for helping the interlocutor, on the parted ...


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