Thursday, January 14, 2010

How Do You Win In Mount And Blades

Catholicism. Separation of thought

With six months ago, allow for a question to the heretic Honorius (one of the principal, who prevented me from coming to Catholicism two years ago ). Was resolved in favor of Honorius. How much I have not heard an explanation, but better than Volkonskogo failed. About a month ago and allowed the seeming contradiction between the conviction conciliar Honorius as a heretic and the dogma of papal infallibility. Interesting how something was discussion on Gethsemane , helped me a bit. It seems getting closer to the understanding of the dogma of infallibility, if not already figured it out.

Championship Pref. Peter and the Pope's certain to me long ago. I remember how last year back in day of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul was tempted by a sermon in one of the Orthodox Church. There was something about the Pope and puffed about that do not have an. Peter did not have any championships but as a special honor.

few days ago allowed the matter with the filioque (on the illegality adding it to the Creed as it tried to justify the Mark of Ephesus). With respect to the theological side of the issue is too complicated, but that it can not be heresy, it became clear after the learned opinions of the same Bolotov, Clement and rds. Bartholomew.

found himself on the fact that the past few days defending Catholicism in the face of ill-looking brother vypadok from orthodoxy. Here he asked me a question about the filioque in the nature of teaching and we decided together on Zaglobnike cope. Although this is already resolved the issue for me.

heard the view that "from the Orthodox Church in the Catholic move those someone internally does not appeal to anarchism, and the constant baradak scandalous Orthodoxy. " Maybe. But I think I did not even know. My concern is that the PCs are scandals are ignored and often do not address them. It seems that the PC runs into subjectivism. Confidence in the hierarchy of HRC uchaschey I steadily declining. As can be trusted if there is no doctrine, and much is done by counsel of the bishop or priest simply (SOCA arbitrariness pohlesche how scare in KC). For example, do We vainly profess faith in one baptism, if things our evidence to the contrary? ..

But several questions still remain ...

PS I read Tyszkiewicz "Church of God-Man," a lot of thoughts about the nature of the Church. At the same time I read "Conversations with Patriarch Athenagoras Olivier Clement. Good books, each differently.


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