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Tyszkiewicz of limited papal authority

6) Papal absolutism limitless, since there is no solution to the papal appeal.
Otvet.-We first do that for the existence of any independent society was needed higher authority to which no appeal, because, otherwise, no one issue could never be finally resolved. Secondly, the papal "Absolutism" has a well-defined "absolute" limits. For example, the pope's authority does not extend to those who have not joined, through baptism, the Church. Dad linked divine revelation and natural law. And the great responsibility and consciousness of its high service - all of the Holy Father encourages observe the commandments of God with greater care than anyone else was different. In many respects, the pope's authority is much more limited than the power of any non-Catholic Metropolitan or synod; so dad does not give divorce when a marriage is valid and complete mystery and cohabitation. It is thanks to the papacy, in Catholicism is less arbitrary and unnecessary ruling, than anywhere else.
7) Pope for the Church, and not the church for the pope. Therefore, Dad should be subordinated Church, not vice versa.
answer. - The premise is no doubt: Dad is a minister of the Church, hence the title of Bishop of Rome - "a servant of the servants of God." From this relationship the Pope to the Church, it follows that Daddy entirely subordinate to the Divine Head of the Church, Christ, the pope must all be guided by the spirit of Christ, living in the Church, that he is subordinate to grace, inspiring the Church, that he must listen with great attention to all manifestations of the spiritual life believers. But the nature and purpose of the papal ministry does not require that the pope was subject to some empirical ecclesiastical court, Synod Cathedral or "public opinion". Just the opposite: that the pope could freely and wholly devoted to his Church, he should stay on high, inaccessible for disputes about power, it must be possible independent of all of what will inevitably blended earth calculations or they are suffering and uncertainty incompleteness (eg, an ecumenical council without the pope) and therefore harmful responds to the purity of doctrine.
Source: S. Tyszkiewicz, "Church of God-Man" Russicum, Via Carlo Cattaneo, 2, Roma, 1958, Lviv re Missionary Society of St.. Cyril and Methodius, 1993, Pp. 498-499
38) "Dad can order everything and require only under threat spiritual death »(XVI, p. 24).
Otvet. is simply unfair distortion of the truth. The pope's authority is limited to all the teachings of Christ, the Tradition, by all God-given natural laws. If the pope ordered any layperson or bishop to do something immoral, this order essentially would not valid, because the laws of God, above the papal decrees. With the overall growth of the Church the power of the pope, of course, also be strengthened, but at the same time disclosed and Catholic morality, elaborated axioms and dogmatic position, the best guarantee against abuse of power by Pope. The Pope, who issued a ruling contrary to obligatory dictates of God, would be the world's greatest criminal or insane. But Dad now elect representatives of almost all Catholic countries, the clergy, elders, giving the oath to elect the most worthy candidate; ridiculous assume that they take the moral monster or some idiot. Over the centuries, and are unworthy of the pope: but the position of popes is extremely difficult, and of course they will not even reduce their own by introducing regulations that are contrary to the ecclesiastical consciousness of Catholic nations. An unworthy successor. Peter can be accused of anything, but just not in what they proclaimed ex katedra "dogmatic innovation."
Source: S. Tyszkiewicz, "Church Godman », Russicum, Via Carlo Cattaneo, 2, Roma, 1958, Lviv re Missionary Society of St.. Cyril and Methodius, 1993, Pp. 557
46) Papa a sinful man, like all people: they Catholics acknowledge this. Hence, the Pope can sin against the faith - to become a heretic. In view of the Vatican dogma of the whole Church should go for it, take it heresy!
Otvet.-For centuries, has never been a Pope a heretic, there were sometimes only a weak-willed successor of Peter, slowly and clumsily fought against heresies. But abstractly, theoretically speaking, the case of taking care of the pope in heresy possible: all people are free. But even in this extreme case there is no danger of involving the Church into heresy: Pope heretic because of his heresy would cease to be a member of the Church and the more-visible head of her from the moment he became a heretic, he deprived himself of papal dignity. Such a case would be tantamount to the death of the pope or the defeat of his incurable insanity: Cathedral of Cardinals immediately proceeded to the election of a new, real dad. This is not undermined, "the Vatican dogma." In view of this dogma, when the pope, fulfilling his supreme service, permits for the whole Church a dogmatic issue, clarify the doctrine of faith, reveals the truth of the revelation - Providence does not admit mistakes, infallibility of the Pope provided above. But if a dad, deviating from that of his supreme service, broke with the already unmistakably to clarify the situation Faith, if he was, for example, teach that God does not Troichen in Persons and pyaterichen - he would thereby have sinned against the Vatican dogma "and he would have left so to speak, from the area in which he provided is error-free teaching. In this case the providential care over uchaschemu ex-father would be impossible, For God's holiness can not positively contribute to confusion. There would be no danger of introducing the whole Church into error, because each would have become clear, that the former Pope was dropped from the papacy and the Church, evaded his ministry, and thus of infallibility. But the main thing is that Christ is head always has the power to prevent proclamation by Pope false dogma, even if the pope in a particular dogmatic issue personally is wrong. Nor must it be forgotten that without special help from above and the ecumenical council and the whole "church people" could easily fall into heresy.
Source: S. Tyszkiewicz, "Church of God-man», Russicum, Via Carlo Cattaneo, 2, Roma, 1958, Lviv reprint Missionary Society of St.. Cyril and Methodius, 1993, Pp. 561-562


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