In January 1999 I - Grade 11 pupil of one of the Luck School, said, clearly, that we should change our life and the guarantee that would be joining one of nationalist organizations. After searching for something suitable (and Luck never celebrated diversity legal structures), I established contact with representatives of two organizations: the National Social Party of Ukraine and VHSPO "Trident" them. Stepan Bandera. It is difficult to say now why I stopped their choice is the trident, but perhaps (as it is at that age) voyenizovanist, discipline and the greater radicalism of this organization attracted seventeen-year- young man.
However, the biggest impression on me had a leader Volyn Trident, my first mentor nationalist - Ruslan coffin. He was then a senior for me at six or seven years, but his perelomani fingers on both hands and signs of torture warm iron on the back spoke for themselves. Man held through such trials and persecution of workers and the Security Ministry has caused me enormous respect.
At that time no such thing as internet in Lutsk was not in nature, and its first organizational computer I received only in 2003. It all started with a visit to "office-basement" where held organizational meetings. Basically there we listened ideological lecture portion of the material required to memorize memory. After all engaged Hopak. These were the main tasks are treated before arrivals. Also, each new organization had to buy camouflage form, berets, and other Bertsi camp outfit.
Already this month I knew by heart the basic principles of Ukrainian nationalism in tryzubivskomu points. Having read the mountain of literature all the available archival materials "Newsletter", the then publishing organization.
first the training for me was a trip to Ternopil to participate in water rafting "Seret-1999", organized trident and travel club Crystal. Overnight at the Ternopil office of the famous (and then its center essentially located in Ternopil), participation in competitions, though we were not important and kanoyisty boaters, but it was a bunch of impressions.
remember that spring ideological teorytychnyy training organization in a village in the Ternopil region, where the main lead had hutirku trident - the glorious memory of Basil Ivanyshyn. His presentation was based based on his books: "The nation. Statehood. Nationalism "and" Ukrainian idea and perspective of the nationalist movement.
biggest impression was that year visiting all-Ukrainian religious pilgrimage in s.Zarvanytsya Ternopil region. Trident has for several years as there nation protective function making protection the entire territory where residents and pilgrims took place a religious service of God. This invitation for tryzubivtsiv ever reported of Church hierarchy.
So, on a pilgrimage to Zarvanytsia I like other guys nose patrolling territory pilgrimage. Our goal was isolation of citizens in alcohol condition (ie transferring these citizens for sobering up in a special place in the same village), and overall security of believers. Я був старшим четвірки і, як на мене, вдало справлявся зі своїми обов’язками. Були правда декілька інцидентів з місцевими, але це тільки загартовувало.
Звичайно, should indicate that the trident - a paramilitary organization paramilitary wing where wearing the uniform, military training, patrolling, possession martial arts skills not only hailed as required. Then, Kuchma pursued organization, accusing it of terrorism is, in other "sins". Many heads of regional divisions were persecuted just for belonging to Trident, had some judgments, the truth conditional.
more memorable milestone tryzubivskoho can not remember the past so-called "Buki" - punishment of caning. I do they never received, but seen as my colleagues after such execution quickly became the "righteous path".
My first tryzubivska "vidsydka" occurred in September 1999 during visit to Lutsk the then Parliament Speaker Oleksandr Tkachenko, who represented the then pro-majority. Heads Truzubu was given the order: anti-communist leaflets city seal the contents. While sticking me and a colleague were detained fighters unit "Berkut" and was taken to city police. Unfortunately, mobile phones then we did not have and inform colleagues we could not. After a search we selected cards and Leadership skills materials. During interrogation, I was trying to oppose Major, Afghans but the discussions did not like and simply broke my lip, besides trying to intimidate the exclusion from the university where I studied for only 11 days. After We only stayed until morning at the so called "Cozy" and at 8.00 released. These early relationships with Ukrainian law enforcement system and I remember to this day. For
I then, still very young guy, as an example of a true nationalist, were such well known tryzubivtsi: Vasily Ivanyshyn, Eugene Fil, Dmytro Yarosh, John Suta, Valery Sapozhnikov, Yuri Sirotyuk, Larissa Bondaruk and many others. Besides familiarity with family Bogdan Klimchuka that was many years head of the Volyn trident, and which killed / poisoned in 1997, also became significant in my life. With daughter Klimchuka - Olenko is on friendly relations and to this day.
have passed a decade, but the memories of my first steps nationalist still pleasant. Trident in the years gone through some difficult pages of its history, but now is not important. The main thing is that the organization remained resistant to nationalist positions and that all leadership is now in Trident zastinkah says for itself. Not the point is not undermined or undermine tryzubivtsi tortured Ukraine monument to Stalin! First of all you need to make every effort to pull guys to freedom and to prevent repressive ride on them.
Igor Guz
ps add a couple of symbolic pictures for me that time.
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