Sunday, January 16, 2011

In Dash Navigation. Installation Calgary

Map legalization of abortion in the world

181.60 КБ

Після публікації карти абортів у Європі багато хто запитував, чому у Польщі здійснюється так мало абортів. Відповідь дуже проста: у Польщі аборти поза law. The State shall protect the child's right to life. Certainly many polyachok do abortions in other countries, but that's a separate discussion topic.

Map legalization abortions in the world:
1.69 КБ

Allowed, with rape, by socio-economic factors on medical indications, with expression of pathology mother and fetus.

prohibited except for: rape, expression of pathology mother and fetus, according to medical indications, in the presence of mental disorders.

prohibited except for: rape, according to medical indications, in the presence of mental disorders.

prohibited except for: expression of pathology mother and fetus, according to medical indications, in the presence of mental disorders.

prohibited without exception. By

differently in different regions.

No information.

ps Sooner or later, for the survival of the Ukrainian nation we deny abortions in our country ...


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