Monday, January 10, 2011

How Old Do You Have To Be To Work A Night Shift

guzj @ 2011-01-10T12: 13:00

Statement VO "Trident" named Stepan Bandera
for mass arrests

this January 8, 2011 in Rohatyn, Ivano-Frankivsk region, was arrested the head of the Central leadership of the "Trident" them. Bandera Andrew Stempitskoho, his son Philip and Roman cloud.

January 9 detained the former head of the Central leadership of Dmitry Yarosha first deputy of the "Trident" them. Bandera Andrey Tarasenko, Head of the Ukrainian Branch Antyimperskoho Front Rostislav tenants and the Head of Regional organization "Trident" them. Bandera Sergey Borisenko.

January 10 arrested the head of Ternopil oblast "Trident" them. Bandera.

prisoner attached charged with terrorism in connection with an explosion in Zaporozhye.

total arrests took place throughout Ukraine. Conducts searches.

As on January 10, arrested more than ten senior members.

All allegations made by law enforcement agencies, as false, fabricated and customized.

These actions present authorities regard as an expression of political repression and an attempt to suppress the Ukrainian patriotic forces.

Central PA leadership "Trident" them. Bandera


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