Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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Watching the repression of law enforcement on Trident ruling elite thought over as just behead nationalist organization and in fact stopped its effective functioning. All these leaders are accused in three different articles Criminal Code and may find themselves behind bars, if not years, according to court then at least for months while under investigation. Obviously at this time structure to which they belong will maintain minimum activity.

obviously repressive machine will continue to persecute this nationalist organizations, their leaders and leading members.

And now look how many in our country nationalist formations, no artificial division between the old and new rights, as government in its knowledge that there will be no schemyteme all. Structures, declaring nationalist ideology, at least have representation in several areas are active in organizational work, have their own media.

That's out list:

Political parties:

Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists


Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (revolutionary)
Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (melnykivska)

Youth or inherently dominated youth organizations:

PA "Trident" them. Stepan Bandera
National Alliance
Youth Nationalistic Congress
Social Nationalist Assembly (Patriot Ukraine)
autonomous right

Someone forgot?

For me too little because a state with a population of 46 million citizens. Also worth noting that part of the list of active stretch boasts activities and any prospect in the future.

Such are the conclusions from the disappointing ...

ps It should be obvious that anyone who shares the nationalist ideology would join one of these organizations or tomorrow to create a nationalist formation. Alone, we are none!


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