Monday, January 17, 2011

Heavy Ovulation Bleeding With Twins

Association Opposition

Basically think commendable attempt Gritsenko (Public) position Katerynchuk (European Party) and Matvienko (URP "Sobor") unite around Yatsenyuk and Change Front. Obviously its 7% at the presidential and local elections argument is small, but proud of parties. Moreover, as far as I know Poroshenko and Mykola Martynenko active financial support Arseniev що також можна вважати за позитив. Краще вони ніж Банкова чи Фірташ читай та ж Банкова.

Питання укрупнення опозиційних політичних сил, що мають спільну ідеологічну base on time. I think everybody understood that Yanukovych regime can be overcome through joint and coordinated action by the opposition. Party in this process play a very important role. Rely only on the mass opposition was not reasonable.

currently vymalovuyutsya such opposition environment that negotiations on the union:

says. Motherland and its satellites NRU, ROP and PSD.

Liberty. What no one yet really connects, but its base are organizations and parties that I have outlined in post "Ukrainian nationalists" . Few tyanetsya to the Freedom of those structures, but this party and so successfully dookoptuvala in their ranks ex-members of the Orange team. Is not half of deputies in many parts of the national democrats, who joined Liberty in just before the election.

Front for Change and has already outlined Civic position, and the European Party "Sobor".

Our Ukraine, the UNP and Ukraine! that hold permanent negotiations. This campaign is just the most difficult Yushchenko as the figure is rather divisive, not unifying factor.

Basically consolidation in the opposition camp is very korysnynym. If we have are these four Party it would be easier to work with people and involve them in the struggle against the regime.

In paralamentskyh elections in 2012 would have like this:

YTB - livotsentryskyy block. 15-20%
Front for Change - National-liberal bloc. 7-8%
Freedom - the nationalist bloc. 5-6%
OU-UNP-STORAGE - national-conservative bloc. 4-5%

And each of these blocks is the prospect to the electoral growth. Far the largest course in Liberty, the lowest in the leader. But while even in an amount not enough to pokonaty regionals and their satellites.


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