Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mexican Fabric Softener

He collaborated with the KGB!

Archpriest Methodius Finkevych: from capital prior - in Pochaevskoy ... monk to atone for its cooperation with the KGB!

good example for everyone who was nasliduannya ROC
in the Soviet period!

Confession KGB agent in cassock


Archpriest Methodius Finkevych: from the capital prior - in Pochaevskoy monks

December 30, 2010 16:28
Mary Bibai

In the last this year on Sunday, December 26, archpriest Finkevych Methodius, Pastor of one of the oldest churches in Kyiv, celebrated the liturgy in the latest Holy Ascension Church, more popularly known as Demiivskyi. He also addressed the congregation with a farewell sermon, which explained his decision to become a monk Pochaevskoy.

word that changed the life history of this

, told Father Methodius, has its origins in the distant year 1969 and applies to very personal things that trouble his more than forty years ...

After Theological Academy and then received the sacred dignity, Father Methodius was sent to the ministry in the city of Kyiv Tarashcha region. Shortly after the then Metropolitan Filaret suggested he go to serve the Vladimir cathedral. But we must first was to register and registration. This meant that it was necessary to first have an interview with members of special services. And this fact very concerned about Father Methodius. After no secret that while priests often forced to write different "closure" on their sobrativ and similar things. And fear God as a shepherd, a young priest Methodius, this is very afraid and worried, as while not losing a mystical feeling and understanding of God and not to betray the Church.

While in Kyiv Frolivska Women Monastery of Christ lived mad Olga. That her Father Methodius and advised by counsel, as he, in fact, made. However

understand blessed Olga It was very difficult ... But at the end of the conversation she said: "No work, no job, no work". Father Methodius did not understand her: well, that means not working? Lie down, lie down and do nothing?

Meanwhile keliynytseyu mother Olga was Frolivska current abbess of the monastery, then a novice Faith. She explained Priest: "Jack says it need to cooperate with special services, just to serve Christ, he should be faithful to serve the saints. And the Lord will put everything into place.

receive an answer, Father Methodius came out satisfied and went on to serve in Tarashcha. Eventually Metropolitan Filaret again caused it to him and told him that puts him in St. Volodymyr Cathedral. This assembly will serve as many as Father Methodius 16. But then he got lost again - and again went to Olga's mother. "Pochaev" - she said only one word to him. And nothing else.

priest did not understand the word, but, he said, for more than 40 years of priesthood this word did not give him peace. "It is always in my mind - tells the priest, - And did it from there I could not erase. "

Finally he decided to do so, as conscience dictates. "I made a conclusion that mother Olga I prophesied that if I do not lived there all his life, then at least its remains I want to make this holy place "- said Fr. Methodius at a farewell sermon. When

Father Methodius made the decision, first appealed to Metropolitan Vladimir for advice.

«If this is the will of God, and if you wear a this opinion, and so tells you your heart and it works, "- replied the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Then Father Methodius written request, that he was released from nastoyatelstva. And before that a meeting with the governor Pochaevskoy Archbishop Vladimir, who officially gave his consent that he accepts the Father Methodius.

So quietly and generously, by a Christian, Father Methodius just cast his arrival His Beatitude Metropolitan Volodymyr with the words: "Your Eminence, for your consideration, whom you see the abbot, him and ask. I is not no plans and no pryyemnykiv not leave. Let all is the will of God. "

«give you today, that is, tomorrow and buy new»

During the years of his priesthood archpriest Methodius became famous as a good generous person who is willing to give everything to somehow help their neighbors.

He had no family. "It was a frank ascetic" - says people who personally know him, and observes: "Even in his house, nothing."

the money he had, he had earned, Father Methodius and gave people who had this need, or offering to other churches or helping the poor priests, who, knowing about the goodness of prior, often sought help from the Holy Voznesenkoho temple.

«Father Methodius never anyone in nothing refuse. If he could not give any money, he called me and said: "Father Basil, we should be or some older gospel, or maybe oblacheniye maybe darohranytel or any cup .... I answered him, that is, but if we give away we will not serve Early Liturgy on Sunday. He said: "Here you give today is that one day, and go and buy new. So if it were a common thing to give us what we did. The next day I went and bought new, so we can celebrate the Liturgy "- tells the archdeacon of the Holy Ascension church Stetsyak Basil, who served together with Father Methodius 15.

And he added: "He did all this without any such external pathos, only because he felt a responsibility to Christ and to His Church. And this spirit of Christ's love is felt in all his actions. We saw this and just happy that we can be friends and brothers example of such a person. After all, the Apostle Paul said: "We respect our elders because we see their faith." Actually, just the Orthodox Church is strong, based on the transmission of spiritual experience. From the person experienced, from the man who has, indeed, something understood in this life, spiritual wisdom, spiritual experience is less experienced people. "

the spiritual mentor

«First I should say that I am incredibly grateful to God for that Lord has given me the opportunity not just to see this man, but with her serve, to stand at the throne of God for 15 years. When I only took priestly dignity, and became a minister of the church, Father Methodius, does not know me and saw first time, took me as his father. Some such gullibility in dealing felt from the first meeting. And it has not ceased, but rather evolved in such a good Christian relationship between priest and deacon simply by I am personally very grateful to him "- says Father Basil about his first experience of getting acquainted with the current monk.

Generally it should be noted that Father Methodius - a person who has experienced a lot in my life. This is Soviet-era priest who remembers attitude to the clergy in times of Khrushchev persecution, and in the Brezhnev times. And this zeal for the Orthodox pastor managed to keep him in full and submit to their successors.

parish church also point feature sermons of Father Methodius. They are always very thoughtful and alive. He never uses no record. Because it is something to share with people and have something to tell them from his personal experience. So Pastor always enjoyed extraordinary respect among parishioners and priests of the temple. I treated him just as the Orthodox spiritual teacher, good shepherd.

particular, this manifested itself in constant conversations with the priest's flock. After all, his goal - to bring people to salvation, help them get on the right path of salvation of his soul for Christ.

For this it on certain days in a separate room received all comers. People vyshykovuvalys turn. The reasons that brought them to the priest, were different: someone had to talk to, someone to consult, someone came to confession, and someone, again, for financial assistance. Every individual, he led spiritual discussions.

Do not forget Father Methodius and that the church should also be for something. For more than 20 years, during which he was rector of Holy Ascension Church, has been renewed iconostasis Kyoto, made repairs in areas where priests relax between services. Important that the motions of Father Methodius gave the temple premises where now the Sunday school classes. In addition, the refectory was made repair and sewing workshops. But like other priests argue, these are urgent Economic issues are always handled very quietly. There was no nervousness was not some kind of a purely secular buzz. Everything was going their way: gradually, quietly, calmly, regularly, so be as little as that was the will of God.

«Above all, with Father Methodius was very easy and joyfully celebrate the Divine liturgy. During the service he could really create an atmosphere predstoyannya before God and the feeling of prayer "- adds Protodeacon Basil Stetsyak.

On Wednesday, December 29, the clergy of the Holy Ascension church Demiivskyi told that the new rector of Metropolitan Vladimir elected Archpriest Paul Kirillov. The same day the news during evening prayers informed parishioners of the church and encouraged to ask God to help the new prior and Father Methodius in his monastic life.


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