Monday, February 28, 2011

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Emelin poet was summoned to the Moscow police for poems about Manege

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poet Vsevolod Emelin was summoned to the Moscow police for a "conversation" about his poem about the events at the Manege Square on December 11. About it himself Emelin said in his blog Monday February 28.

According to Vsevolod Emelin, the reason for the call were "signals from the citizens" in connection with the content of the poem "Once again about tenderness." Law enforcement agencies could consider verse incitement of national hatred, Rosbalt reports.

Emelin noted that he was going visit the police, because "in this magical world beyond bullpen and never been drunk tank." The poet added that "invitation" to Petrovka 38, he got on the phone.

Official information about the call to the Moscow police department has received no poet Emelin, writes .

Once again about the tenderness

We, Russian, very gentle,
ignition lines must for us from travmatiki - we are dead men.
Someone's friends come to the Manege
and ransacked.

Because specifically on life
Our Russian beings
extremely prone to fascism,
How long established SOVA Center.

A person of Caucasian nationality
According to the structure of his body -
On the contrary - inclined to internationalism
And antifascism.

see how the Russian fascists Caucasian,
immediately spins around the intrigue.
And if he did not succumb to provocations,
starts to throw at him ridges.

This cowardly throwing ridges,
You can get a man in the eye.
And then, putting his tolerance,
Fists compresses the Caucasus.

Antifa Nazis always won,
's Russian lies with a bullet through his head.
With his hand was a national conflict,
On the opposite side - Home.

and the police, too, for anti-fascists,
They will remember the battle of Kursk arc,
Look for their courageous and honest person
and released with honor in the mountains, home.

But yet cleared
Not all provocateurs,
and worries Manege Square,
's talking about "Mayhem" commentators.

Here they are marching - Russian Fascists,
orderly rows to meet fate.
Losers, troechniki and horoshisty
the 10 th "A" and a 9-second "B".

Many of them will be put in jail
for what they are - Fascist scum,
at the Manege Square shat
and broke Chinese silicone Christmas tree.

Happy New Year!
And I wish the workers as much as,
To everyone was with his people,
where his people with another people arrow scored.

Just remember that we are very gentle,
We are subject to a rubber bullets and sharp knives,
In spring bloom of our bodies, snowdrops
lurking for big cities.

And when our bodies will blossom over the dump
warm pale pink,
past them fly cavalcade of jeeps with flashing lights,
saluting the gold guns.

Vsevolod Emelin

How Fast Do Goldfish Grow In Two Months

for killing Artem Kharlamov Doug gave only 3,5 years of general regime

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There was an this story in a military hospital in the town of Pechenga Murmansk region. June 22 was in the hospital with a diagnosis of "pneumonia" ordinary military unit 08275 Esedulla Navruzbekov. He led himself, the story head admission department of Mary Samoilenko, a completely rude. Over half had quarreling with all medical, hospital violating any rules.

The next morning, this Esedulla, as the protocol of interrogation of witnesses, "threaten senior nurse, said that hit her in the face for what she did to him the remark. Behaved violently, arrogantly. " About 8 hours and 30 minutes Esedulla appeared in the dining room and, pushing aside all the soldiers, he rushed over to the food dispenser box. He is a guy powerful physique, Dagestani and candidate master the sport of boxing, because everyone there other people for the people something and do not think so.

And only one of the soldiers, Junior Sergeant Artem Kharlamov, offered high-handed ignorant to stand in a queue. Artem Kharlamov, a native of Kirovsk Murmansk region, too, guy nehily. Athlete, football player, senior soldiers, ninety meters tall. He could also then push apart others, and require a piece fatter. But education and internal culture is not allowed Artem to behave so lousy.

Anger boiled over in an ordinary Navruzbekova because someone dared to pull up here! And he demanded to sergeant Kharlamov came to talk with him. As after will be recorded in the interrogation of the accused Navruzbekova and with his words: "Since I was sick and I felt bad, but the corridor was cool, then for getting food, I tried to go faster, a little ahead of others, careless of troops ... Kharlamov was the fault, ask why climb ahead. Kharlamov words seemed to me rude, and I said rude, saying that I do as I please. And Kharlamov began to prove to me that I'm wrong. Then I suggested Kharlamov go with me to the entrance. At the entrance Kharlamov grabbed hold of the trunk, lifted from the floor and with force threw her back on the floor ... »

Next already witnesses in a criminal case to testify that other soldiers dragged him from Navruzbekova Kharlamov, and Dagestani, grinning, went into the dining room, climbed out of turn.


this hassle Esedulla certainly won, but apparently, the desire to beat Kharlamov was irresistible, and Navruzbekov called to the military unit 08275 three his countrymen - ordinary Agabekov, Amaatsievu and Shafiev, asked them to come to the hospital.

I must say, this assumption of eyewitnesses. At the same criminal case and the court verdict following events are much more innocent to Navruzbekova. Namely: after breakfast Dagestani phoned fellow and asked to bring a sweater. Those out of parts from anyone without asking (though this is not a military objective, and sharashka some), got into a taxi and come to each other. And at this moment Navruzbekov learned that he was transferred to another hospital in Severomorsk. He decided that this is due to Kharlamov. Esedulla because he wanted to talk with Artyom and ask younger sergeant, that he pohlopotal his superiors to leave Esedulla at the hospital. For this Esedulla invited Artem on the landing. When they went downstairs, Artem, according to fellow Navruzbekova, which include the case is not complicit, and the main witnesses, pushed in the back Esedulla: "What do you want to talk to me?" shake Esedulla leaned forward and, of course the same could not endure such an insult, especially in the presence of fellow countrymen! And Esedulla offended with the words "What are you pushing?" Turned around and back with his right hand pushed in the chest Artem. Artem fell and accidentally hit his head on the lowest rung of the ladder. I repeat - this is the testimony Navruzbekova friends and himself. In addition to these four, the time of the murder has not been seen (perhaps that is).

hit her head, Artem lost consciousness. Caucasians dragged him under the stairs and tried to bring to life. Esedulla even brought water and poured on Kharlamov. Did not help. Then he shouted Navruzbekov nurse: there's a man down the stairs, need help!

All the efforts of doctors, as they say in such cases have been in vain. In the 11 hours 15 minutes Kharlamov died ...

in interrogation protocols other witnesses, a picture is similar, just not as sleek a justification Navruzbekova. Namely: about 11 hours to Navruzbekovu arrived countrymen and gave Navruzbekovu sweater. And, just saying hello to them, Navruzbekov rushed to look for the wards Kharlamov, saying: "Where is the longest bitch?!»

Finding Artema Esedulla demanded that he followed him. Kharlamov, and there are not afraid (sorry), realizing that the four lead him to slaughter. Walked in front Navruzbekov, followed by Tom, rear Three mountaineers.

clear that in this scenario Artem could not first start a fight (Esedulla pushed in the back). For all the characteristics of a guy, he not only reasonable, but well-balanced, non-controversial. And the story that Artem first started - this tale for fools. Of course, now we can only guess but apparently Esedulla decided to repeat the morning wrestling throw - show a master-class comrades. Certainly raised again, and with brutal force dropped on the floor Kharlamov, why, and suffered a fatal blow on the head of the stairs? Well, can not a man falling from a push in the chest, smash the skull! This not my belief. On this subject, parents Kharlamov educated experienced sports coaches. Besides Tom, as a footballer, was trained in any fall.

PARENTS Artem: "WE reason refuses to exhume the body in the SON»

But there are parents and other versions. At the funeral, they noticed that my son damaged larynx. It seems that Artem was broken Adam's apple. This may have happened. When everything went down the stairs, Navruzbekov roundhouse blow struck to Artyom. Wanted appear to strike the person spent a boxing motion with respect to rival standard growth, but Artem was tall guy and can be seen, a blow occurred in the Adam's apple.

However, a forensic examination concluded that Navruzbekov and his comrades gave truthful testimony. Kharlamov broke the bones of the skull a fall from a height of your own body and hit the stairs. But apparently, the medical examiners in the face Shamshutdinova Alievich Shamil and his subordinate Ivanova Men'shov, understanding the absurdity - the person can not fall flat on the push in the chest - they write the following: "... it could be a push above the center of gravity, undercutting below the center of gravity "(emphasis added. - Auth.).

But these last words of medical experts the court paid no attention. Although much more logical to assume that deliberately undercutting with the girth of the leg with a sharp throw of the opponent's head on a step ladder and could cause a break skulls. It is also possible and fracture of the Adam's apple from a strong deliberate attack is believed to parents. In this case, Kharlamov was losing consciousness, and no longer able to regroup, flat hit the step.

For six months, parents seeking the exhumation in different instances, go to the reception most of the leading political parties, but they were everywhere ... They are denied for some reason began to lie even after reports of the tragedy.

- that day - says mama, Artema - I often called her son, not knowing, of course, that he was killed. The tube was not taken, although the phone, of course, lay in plain sight. And only after about five hours after the murder us a call from a military unit Major Agabekov (namesake of one of those soldiers Dagestanis friends Navruzbekova) and said Artyom walked up the stairs and dropped his head on the step. Reanimation results did not bring ...

But apparently, the command in / h 08275 soon realized that it was murder on an accident in any way can not be attributed, and parents have learned the relative Artem truth.

Immediately after the fatal injury Kharlamov Dagestanis left the hospital. Esedulla drove an ambulance in dolechivatsya Severomorsk. On the way he was detained, and then began to send text messages Esedulla fellow-witnesses: "I was removed from the car full of Major Th do not whether," If Th, we were down and he fell. " On the same day and night with phone Esedulla been many calls to relatives in Dagestan.

Why Navruzbekova not withdrawn phone at the time of arrest? It is not clear. Moreover, Navruzbekova not even taken into custody! He then drew up the attendance of guilt and ... until the court - from June October - he was in his side under the supervision of Command (?) according to the documents.

killers are trying to hide the crime

To its credit, the investigator, Lieutenant Justice AN Lomakin, managed to talk with fellow killers. They admitted that Navruzbekov forced them to lie, that the victim supposedly slipped and fell on the step itself. Actually, he fell with the help of Navruzbekova.

Meanwhile, relatives of the killer launched tireless activity. Parents of slain Kharlamov infinitely nazvanivali some people with Caucasian accent and offered to meet and decide whether the world. Asked to take a statement and not to cripple Esedulla life in prison. Parents Esedulla even sent by mail 50 thousand rubles. It is understandable that parents Artem with someone to meet, let alone pick up the money did not. After that, again, some voices blamed on the phone: "Are not you ashamed? Parents Esedulla - poor people, people with disabilities in general diseases may Help to show you. They last a carpet sold to reimburse you, and you try to put their son! »

But in court the mother Artem all the same filed a killer claim - 3 million rubles, with what Navruzbekov disagreed. And the verdict of the court in this regard such a curious note: "The defendant claimed the victim Navruzbekov civil action is not admitted, explaining that in his opinion, the responsibility for it should be borne by the command of the hospital, because he, as an inpatient, at the time of the victim of violence was treated in a medical facility. "

However, the court awarded the same Navruzbekovu to pay one million rubles parents murdered. But the timing of payment of money in the verdict of the court are not given, therefore, no hope of paying no money. And his light sentence for murder Judge Zaozersky garrison military court Chernyshov VV explains this way: "The Court considers that it (Navruzbekov) was first drawn to the criminal liability previously nothing reprehensible has not been noticed, with both prior military service and commanded a military unit is characterized by generally positive hand, in deed repented, and brought the victim (ie, mother Kharlamov) apologize, but during the preliminary investigation and in court gave consistent and damning testimony itself.

the same time as to mitigate the punishment the defendant, in accordance with paragraph "and" and "to" Part 1 of Art. 61 of the Criminal Code the court considers his appearance of guilt (? - Auth.) And an attempt to provide them with medical and other assistance to the victim after the crime. The court, In addition, taking into account the incapacity of his parents with disabilities, but also allows for the application of its neighbors, as well as voters and the deputy city council of the city of Derbent for clemency to the accused and a maximum softening his sentence. "

Such humanism me at all unsure: Does Navruzbekov serving his small sentence? Reportedly, he was in prison in Murmashi. It is near Murmansk. But at my request to meet with Navruzbekovym leadership of the Office of punishment in the Murmansk region offered some reason to issue a request to their Glaucus in Moscow. If I were a man doubtful, it would suggest that Navruzbekov sits no longer in Murmashi, and somewhere in the Dagestani teahouses. A reporter specifically offer tyagomotinu consents to a convicted person to deliver this time back and change clothes paraded ...

Lomakin investigator who investigated the murder - in an informal conversation made it clear that it dalos him very uneasy. And whether on-site Lomakina another investigator, I believe, the picture could look like her designated parents killed Major Agabekov: fighter slipped on the stairs, why he died ...

Nicholas Varsegov

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Parents and relatives of coastal guerrillas are trying to drive into the status of witnesses

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Due to pressure the police and the consequences of attempted suicide with him in jail "partisan" Roman Savchenko. According to his father, Vladimir Savchenko, to himself and committed the assassination. According to him, this was done с целью заткнуть ему рот.

Напомним, «приморских партизан» обвиняют в ряде убийств сотрудников милиции. Своё название парни получили благодаря воззванию Muromtseva novel (which was later put out of business). Roman reported that they declare war on the system, and also asked them to put a candle, because the guys were going to perish in this war. In Ussuriysk in detention were most likely killed by police Sukhorada Andrew and Alexander Sweet. Others are awaiting trial.

According to Savchenko, parents and close the boys are trying to drive into the status of the witnesses. A priori, it denies them the right to meet with the guys.

- I'll be in court defender of his son's wife - a legal representative, we will present evidence that our son did not kill anyone, - said Vladimir Savchenko.

But advocates of "guerrillas" are needed. When Savchenko said in the press about his suspicions that the guys want to kill, after a while the guys have brought on remand experiment. The experiment took place with the parents of "partisan". The wife of Vladimir Savchenko saw operas and became paralyzed guy push his elbow on his Adam's apple. Naturally, parents raised a fuss, and Savchenko, Jr. released.

- My son tried to open a vein. In his note, he wrote that he only did it not to go to the investigative experiments in the CFP-4. Him to die, thank God, not given, and sent to a lock-up, - said Vladimir Savchenko.

Roman expelled from the College of fishery University. The father thinks it's unfair because the court has not yet been, and certainly no one can say to justify or condemn the boys.

father also explains that he himself through a friend several times told that he is too frantic activity, too actively protect her son, that for him it can be dangerous.

- I have a suspicion that they want to kill myself, - said Vladimir Savchenko.

Savchenko working on the truck. Involved in delivery of materials. He there was a time when the four hours it three times tried to call the head-on collision on the road. Yes, he could leave, but he is sure - such a coincidence is not be accidental.

Savchenko wrote to the president on how to mock the guerrillas, but received no response. Complained about the prosecutor Primorye Khokhlova Prosecutor General Chaika. The complaint, as you know, down the prosecutor Khokhlov.

And although his letter to the president no one answered, he began to pull in another letter, also the president, but he did not write.

But excerpts from a letter from the president: "29.10.2010 in the news on television, I saw your dialog, where you give guidance on the fight against guerrillas until destruction. Your words sound convincing and beautiful. But here's the question: how to deal with bandits in the police uniform? After all your words with deeds, and justice will not believe it. We have in Primorye, and specifically, the Kirov and the village of Vladivostok, everything remains continue. Continuing lawlessness, protection racket, extortion on the roads, beat up, etc. In mockery of the people are the standard unsubscribe "no violations found" ... Or are you still on the groans of the people? You are well and fine, and cattle will suffer, and if take up arms, we will destroy it, because we are the system and fight against the system useless. ... Everything on paper does not describe. Ground at a meeting with your representative. Please just do not have any prosecutorial or police inspectors, they do not have faith. Example: The sergeant of the investigative committee, which conducts the criminal case, T ... in court, when counsel makes the suspect, the name at the meeting, to sign documents against him, and when the latter refused, T ... said: "Wait, you get into CFP-4 on Karbysheva in Vladivostok, and all sign it." What do you mean? We know the surnames of all the police officers for torture and abuse, so please send a representative ... I am perfectly clear that you are busy, but not the strength to endure lawlessness perpetrated by the police. Vladimir Savchenko.

way, in our conversation, Vladimir Savchenko mention one detail - Two days before his death, kind of like a helicopter flew in the Kirov region in the mansion to Vasili Skiba, Head of Criminal Police of the Kirov region, Head of Emergency at PC Nikolay Timoshenko. Recall Maj. Nicholas Tymoshenko on October 11 last year shot in her apartment building . On the forums Vladivostoktsam expressed condolences to the family of the deceased and expressed distrust of the version of suicide.

Anastasia Popova
Arseniyevsky News

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Where to get money for the Revolution?

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Editorial RIA RusInfo. recently published article Falcon "Fuel for the Russian Revolution evoked widespread discussion not only on our website. We offer our readers a completely reasonable and pragmatic point of view of our colleague, offers his answer to the question "Where can I get money for the Revolution?".

Greetings, Brothers! After reading Comments on Article Falcon «Fuel for the Russian Revolution» I wanted to talk about funding our joint revolutionary activities. Most right-wing revolutionaries indicates that they are ready to Rakhiv, but do not have to afford it. Previously expected, that the Russian people themselves will rise up and casts a Jewish yoke. But, as he wrote Sokol, people will not do anything, it can only do we - the elite white men. Now, many expect that will be a mythical sponsor and will give money to the national revolution. There will be no sponsor. Money can only take us. No one else we simply do not give. Almost all the major funds in the world belong to at the moment our enemies, and expect that anyone of them will suddenly become our friend and wants to share with us, just plain stupid. Life Saving - the handiwork of drowning.

Thus, we have realized that no sponsors and money will have to get by. Let Now think about how to get them.

a) Earn Money. Honestly to earn money in Russia is possible only on what not to stretch his legs, and the revolution needs the money large, such public honestly did not earn. Earn a fair, no one will, because everything is already divided and everywhere all at family ties are distributed. Us to the feeder, which feeds furtively ranks, not let nobody.

b) collect money from opponents. This method seems the most real in our situation before it and we stop. Given that our ultimate goal - it's coming to power and the creation of the White Confederacy, rather than check in to jail occupants occur to us during the expropriations are not worth it. Therefore, developing a scheme of monetary juice pressed from the enemies of the people, should take care to maximize own safety. The first task - to select suitable targets for expropriation. The second problem - what tools of the selected fruits This is the juice press. As is known, blackmail, kidnapping and other such criminals are caught, usually upon receipt of money. Because the third challenge will be to secure the money.

Selection object. most suitable objects are the major officials - corruption. They are cowardly hence they can exert pressure through fear. They are often exposed to low-lying defects, therefore, they can make dirt.

Corruption in Russia has reached such proportions that it already is visible even to children from nursery group of kindergarten. Leading officials of taking bribes simply enormous sums and their spending on luxury goods (large mansions, yachts, etc.) is completely hidden. In every respect a major city there are such characters. Simply read the local newspaper, take a close look around, listen to what people say and you will understand to whom you should pay more attention.

choice of instruments of pressure. a) Blackmail compromising. Want to find as much confidential information about an object, which, when published, would lead to him undesirable consequences. And the consequences are those who will lead him to losses on the order of magnitude greater than the amount that we wish from him to get. Given the impunity of the current gang in power, look for incriminating evidence of illegal activity embezzler makes no sense. The point to it all still in the publication of compromising not zavedut, and if zavedut, the negative consequences for him, most likely, will not. We must look for information that his compromise to its owners (the higher officials who receive a percentage of the illegal activity we are currently developing an object).

Information that he is somewhere that has stolen and is not shared, threw the hosts, etc. The transfer of such information, especially if it is reliable, the owners of an object can cause for him the consequences incommensurable with the loss of money that we require from him. Implementation of blackmail with blackmail is complicated by the fact that the information that would be useful to us, it is extremely difficult to find. Therefore, this tool will be counted only if such information came to you from accidentally or you know exactly where and how to get this information.

b) military pressure. Using this tool for us a far more realistic than the use of blackmail. With the pressure of the North Caucasian militants successfully squeeze money from corrupt officials and businessmen in their own in the Caucasus. Once we consider themselves the elite White mankind, it means that we can use this tool at least no worse than Caucasians, but in the long term, having received in this matter experience, and better than them. At the moment they have a reputation for cruel and desperate "scumbags", and as a result, bureaucratic thieves afraid of them. And when they require a thief of money, then it is divided, because he wants to live. Here it should be said about motivating people. Official steals money and taking bribes, not because he wants to die, surrounding himself with gold. No, he wants to live a rich life. Dumb official live richly here, buy expensive cars, sorites money. Sly official understanding that the current public education of the Russian Federation is breathing its last, wants to live well after its collapse, and he plans to live on stolen from the people money somewhere in the West. But both of them together, so it's greed and unwillingness to die. Right-wing groups are beginning to get a reputation no less stringent than those of Caucasian militants. That only cost shares Bourn or SPAS! Consequently, the bureaucrats will soon be representatives of fear of radical right-wing movement no less than the Wahhabis.

car exploded or tan house officer, and later sent him a letter stating that it was only a warning, much can be accomplished. You can tell him what school and what grade attend his children. Options a great multitude, but the ultimate goal they have one - deliver the object in an atmosphere of fear. He must constantly expect the strike.

Secure the money. Most people was jailed for squeezing out anyone money, which fell upon receipt of cash. Because of cash to take not recommend it. Work is by bank transfer. Most officials of hiding money overseas. They register the company in the offshore areas, and then open up on these companies in foreign bank accounts and these accounts store stolen from our people. In recent years, even large bribes to receive non-cash, to accounts in foreign banks to offshore office. Part of the funds they invest in any business, is part of the accounts. Intersect with the Russian Interior Ministry and FSB gangs we are absolutely not wish so getting money should be also to accounts abroad.

To begin, select a company engaged in registration of legal entities in offshore zones. To this end, we introduce a search engine the phrase "buying companies in offshore jurisdictions, he will give us a huge number of proposals. Companies engaged Now such activities had multiplied in abundance. When the choice is to learn more about the company, not to run into a scam.

then choose jurisdiction in which we recorded. Given that we are not going to use a registrable our company to do business, it is not necessary register a company in the prestigious and expensive areas. Quite fit anything inexpensive.

Approximate prices for company registration: $ 1000-1500, Belize, Seychelles Island 700-1300 $, British Virgin Islands 1100-1900 $. Price may be an indication enabled nominee service, and maybe without it (the nominee service for an additional fee).

is worth mentioning that this same nominal service it represents. Nominee service - it is a formal director, shareholder, appointments should be manner, and possessing all the powers provided by the charter company. Act in accordance with the instructions of real managers (beneficiaries) company or by issuing a power of attorney, dismissive of the management company. Accessible language is native to which you and the company that provides your paper to transfer your rights to manage the company, signed by him and, dated. In general, for our nominee service is very helpful.

Now we need a "zitspredsedatel Pound, who will agree to a couple of hundred evergreens stay the founder of the office. You might be surprised, but these fools complete. Enough to come to any university and ask them whether they want someone to earn easy money. Be sure there are several characters with washed Yaga brains who want to cooperate. Know what a set of documents should be forwarded to those who will we discover a company, we take it from zitspredsedatelya and open office on it.

Once we have successfully opened a company in the offshore zone, we should start a bank account for that entity. Help us in this same company, who registered our office in the offshore zone. It will cost $ 400-1500 depending on the prestige of the bank and the country, where it is. When you select are important to us is the availability of Internet banking and the issue of lack of plastic cards. The next stage - an order the bank not having cards assigned to open our account. With these maps, we will cash funds. They do not specify the name of the owner. They are usually released for the issue of employees to which the account is opened. As a result, all costs for the opening of accounts and average about $ 2500.

When an object is ready to transfer the money he needs to pass SWIFT code, which is open your account and, accordingly, the account number. Money, of course, to claim his accounts abroad. Warn that if it tries to send money from accounts in Russia, then followed by a terrible retribution. Since all financial transactions take place abroad, the law enforcement system of the Russian Federation has no reason to interfere with the conduct of transactions. If an object suddenly run to complain to the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the gang tries to connect available to him there is communication, it will not give him anything. His money is the accounts that are the same as ours, are open to the Left parties. Banks usually do not provide information on the owners of the accounts. If the law enforcement system of the Russian Federation and the country where open our expense, cooperate, then the maximum that they can achieve, is the name of the founder company for which the account is opened. And he, remember, we have nominal (some local native). Even if we assume the impossible, that the Interior Ministry, tax, Federal Security Service, Interpol or someone else could knock out of the country (tax haven), where open our company, all data on it, then the maximum that they can learn it dunce data from Russia, who agreed to a couple hundred bucks to open an office itself. Ultimately, if the enemies even have to lock our accounts, we lose only the money spent by us, but keep the main thing - freedom.

In my opinion, the scheme of obtaining money, which I have described, the most secure for us. It remains only to protect themselves when exposed to the client. But here is difficult to recommend anything, since each operation may have their own nuances, depending on the city facility, the funds collected for the operation, etc.

Good luck to you, brothers, in the expropriation!

Source: RIA RusInfo

ps That's caught the eye of fresh news in the subject:;)

armed robbers on Monday night robbed a branch of Bank of Moscow in Vladikavkaz. According to preliminary reports, the burglars stole about 200 million rubles, according to a law enforcement source, transmits RBC .

Criminals gunpoint broke into the bank, tied up guards, then one of them entered the store, said a source.

leaving the place a robbery, the bandits have lost a bag of money. According to some reports, the bag was about one million rubles.

The Interior Ministry of North Ossetia, this information has not officially confirmed. Being wanted criminals.

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Special report on the raid on the border with KCR 15.02.2011, the President of Germany spoke

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Deputy Head of Administrative Department - Chief of DEA Russian Interior Ministry, Major General of militia Gribakin VV

Special report

15.02.2011, at about 09.50 during the joint preventive actions involving employees of ATS Kochubeevskoe area, OMON police for the Stavropol Territory and staff MIA Karachay-Cherkessia Republic to sweep the area, in a wooded area, located approximately at a distance of 600-700 meters from the station. Belomechetskoy Kochubeevsky district were discovered unknown that automatic weapons opened fire on police officers.

As a result of fighting five militants killed: 1. Dumenov Zurab Muratovich 15.05.1982 r \\ p Chechen live. KCR Adyge-Hablsky area as well. Erken-Shahar Str. Lenina 24, 2. Aybazov Moussa A. 04/07/1975 d \\ p, to live. KCR as well. Erken-Hulk Str. Ahlova 63; 3. Kivalov Marat Maultovich 25.01.1990 r \\ p, to live. KCR as well. Erken-Hulk Str. Ahlova 65; 4. Alakai Aydemir Dzhambulatovich 05.05.1987 r \\ p, registered Stavropol edge with. Colored d. 5 kv.1, live. KCR Adyge-Hablsky area as well. Erken-Yurt, 5. Ruslan Suleimanov Elshanovich 08.08.1989 r \\ p, to live. KCR Adyge-Hablsky area as well. Erken-Shahar Str. Michurin 9 sq. 2.

Three OMON police for the Stavropol Territory were injured: - a policeman-soldier company operational riot police for the Stavropol Territory (dislocation Stavropol) Senior police lieutenant Miho Sergei Ivanovich 1975 \\ p, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1997, a position held since 2001, was hospitalized in the x / o Kochubei CRH with d / h gunshot wound to the neck, shrapnel wound chest - the operational commander of the company riot police for the Stavropol Territory (dislocation Stavropol) Junior Lieutenant Sergey Petrov 1982 \\ p in the MIA, 2002, in his post since 2008 was hospitalized in the Stavropol Regional Clinical center specialized types of medical care; with d / s: gunshot wound in the groin area - a policeman-soldier platoon of riot police operative for the Stavropol edge (location Stavropol) Ensign police Ustimenko Roman Borisovich 1979 r / p in the MIA since 2003, a position held since 2003, was hospitalized in the Stavropol Regional Clinical Center of the specialized types of medical care with e / s: shrapnel wound in his shoulder.

Three OMON police for the Stavropol edge of the dead: - deputy commander of a platoon of riot police operative for the Stavropol Territory (Stavropol dislocation) Senior Lieutenant Arapov Sergey Y. 1980, \\ p, in the MIA since 2002, in the post since 2009, deputy commander of the rapid-charging riot police for the Stavropol Territory (dislocation Stavropol) Senior Lieutenant Lugovskoi Maxim 1982 / p, in the MIA since 2002, in the post since 2008 - Associate Instructor - sniper platoon operational Riot police in Stavropol Krai (Stavropol dislocation) senior Police ensign Alexander V. Chernenko, 1972, \\ p, in the MIA since 1993, in positions with 2005.

carried out to sweep the area, inspected the crime scene and seize evidence. A signal Vulcan-2. During inspection m \\ n seized weapons used by criminals: 2 PM pistol with ammunition (both gun appear in the search for MIA KCR), 2 AKM rifle, a machine AK and ammunition (total set), cartridge cases to the automatic and small arms and personal belongings of criminals.

Vzryvotehnikami Riot police in the UK destroyed one improvised explosive device, a grenade F-1, and homemade grenades, made from hand grenades from the grenade launcher.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs KCR Aybazov MA, Alakai AD, Dumenov ZM, Kivalov MM 02/05/1911 was announced in the federal wanted list in connection with involvement in the attack, the 04.02.11 in Adyge-Hablskogo district KCR staff at the convoy of Interior Ministry KCR , Suleimanov RE is wanted in connection with the perfect escape after the attack from custody.

In carrying out preventive measures in the UK were involved in 160 staff ATS Kochubeevskoe area, 40 employees Riot police in the Stavropol Territory and 20 OMSN MIA KCR who did the cleaning the area on the territory of KCR.

at m \\ n visited: police chief in the UK Gorovoy AV, Deputy. Attorney Insurance Gladchenko IE, Acting Head of Investigation Department of Insurance, IN Ivanov, deputy. Head sledvstvennogo Committee on Insurance Kovalenko SA, Chief of ATS Kochubeevskoe area Shaev AR, District Attorney Kochubeevsky Pletnev, Head Nevinnomyssk interdistrict SB SC on SC Arustamyan, vice. Head of the inter-district investigative committee vote, Danielian, the employee should. Office of Insurance, staff inter-district investigative committee, Chief Cabinet ATS Kochubeevskoe area Ilchenko, Head of IIB ATS Kochubeevskoe area Leontiev, chief of staff of ATS Kochubeevskoe area Tsarevskii, l / s ATS Kochubeevskoe area, l / s riot police in the UK, Forensic Science Center of Internal Affairs in the UK, ZTSKS police department for the UK, BSME.

senior investigator of the investigation of particularly important cases investigation Control IC initiated in \\ case number 29006 for art. 317 and Art. 222 4.2 of the Criminal Code.

Additional domicile is scheduled for the morning 16.02.11g.

Acting Lieutenant Colonel Chief
Police YB Semykin


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in defense of the ban on wearing the burqa

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President Germany Christian Wulff (Christian Wulff) during interviews with Arab students in Qatar, defended the ban on wearing the burqa in German schools. Replying to a question, dressed in a burqa student at the University Doha, Wolfe pointed out that "a conscious decision to conceal his face is in contradiction with the commitment made by the state task to raise children, "reported on Monday, February 28, agency dpa.

Christian Wulff referred to a neutral German state in the matter, noting that "one of the hallmarks of an open society is the willingness to show his face." Meanwhile in Europe, According to him, the veil is perceived as a sign of closeness. Also in Europe is rooted opinion that the wearing of the veil by calling into question the principle of equality men and women. "And we put this principle into question not want" - summed up the president of Germany. Agency dpa notes that Arab student was left dissatisfied with the answer Wolfe.

In a conversation with students at Doha on Sunday, February 27, Christian Wulff also expressed his regret that in the Muslim world still know very little about the place of Islam in Germany, "You can be sure that Germany is set to Muslims hospitably" - He said.

Source: Deutsche Welle

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Interview with Chinese Oops! gang Misandao

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From the interpreter: salute to kids, so decided to amuse you interview with the mentally underdeveloped alcohol guko-skins from the Celestial Empire. If anyone remembers in September at the site of right-wing news flashed Redskins Mexx from Estado 29 , so that in the series "in the animal world," added a new theme. To laugh or to spit it yours, but be glad brothers in the superior race, that in our countries (Russia, Ukraine, etc.), the ultra-shy trupnikov from "Ghost 69" and skinheads NA clearly separate the with such bald punks. But on the "blessed" in the West for "NA / WP» journals is not uncommon to take Inti with "apolitical, anti-racist, pro afashnoy" bandulkoy, if not with the South American mestizo / mulatto .... Rattle stripped of ¡Santiago y cierra! English Skinhead Blogzine.

ps our "traditional" pray for us, and clean shoes in the morning! Stolen Culture heh, heh!

I present to you an interview with China's Oi / streetpunk Misandao gang from the city of Beijing, they are purest British Oi / punk in the spirit of the Last resort, 4 skins, Business, etc. When I listen to them, I realized that the world is turned upside down.

1) Hi Laijun, tell us how you collected Misandao, presented to the participants?

I - vocalist on vocals Mark, Sung I Moon (Sun Ya Lun) and Luba (Liubao) - guitar, Guoyang - drummer. Original lineup - I and Mark.

2) What is the scene in China, and specifically in your city?

In China, there was no punk scene until the 1990's, our band appeared in 1999 as a punk project, but since 2001 we wanted to be skins.

3) How to transfer your name?

Misandao - a traditional Peking sweet dessert for tea, we ourselves are not sweet, but on the day of naming the group get drunk to unconsciousness and stopped at this word.

4) Why are your albums «Clamp down» 2002 and «Proud of the way» 2006 so different in sound and lyrics?

Well, in general, our first CD recorded with good sound, but the record itself is fucked.

5) Which groups are influenced your music? Top 10 of Misandao.

We listen to mostly British punk, and it defines our sound. Sham 69, 4 skins, The Business, The Adicts, The Opressed, Bad Manners. The Chinese do not like the scene.

6) On the « Proud of the way» you give tribute to Jamaican music, and, in addition, msypace we can listen «Boot and reggi night». Top 5 reggae?

Laurel Aitken, Prince Buster, Symarip, Madness and Bad Manners.

7) You have announced a new drive «Chinese bootboys», when it goes on sale, and which label it will emit?

In August, should arrive on the shelves of stores in Germany and in September we will look into the studio to record a bonus CD, which will emit a small German firm.

8) Do you like to give concerts? Which bands you shared the stage?

We live for gigs! The last time we played in Germany with The Adicts, The Casualties, Deadline, Angelic Upstars, Stomper 98. This year, waiting for the fest with Bad Manners!

9) Asian skinhead scene is plentiful. ... From the groups of China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, who are your favorites?

Raising flag and Oi! valcans from Japan, and Malaysia ACAB. Also in Malaysia, there are excellent ska and reggae team, but I forgot their names.

10) In 2007 Misandao visited Europe, tell us your impressions?

Yes in 2007 you pull up the first time in Germany, that tell us the fucking liked it, hit hard are good people and fucking beer!

11) What do you think about politics on stage?

We do not like that policy crap, dirt and boredom.

12) Are you interested in sport? You Spain we fanateem from football. As in China?

We also love football, our msypace you can check out the song «Guo An», this song is the first football anthem in the underground scene! Beijing Guo An FC, and we go every Sunday at their matches, if not drunk.

13) What do you advise to visit in Beijing?

makes sense to take a walk along the high road and the area of Tian Am Man (Tian an men).

14) Did you hear that the English team?

I would like you to come, but the scene did not know.

15) You felt the impact of the crisis?

course, I'm fucking deadbeat!

16) Plans for the future?

To come to your country and get drunk a beer with a English skin!

17) Thank you for an interview with our web blog! Latest words?

Keep the faith and keep in touch!

Source -

Translation - editorial board for the regular boom LIMIT HATRED
February 23, 2011, specifically for the site news right

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B & H Britain № 44 (2011)

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English fan club independent voice (or rather "British Freedom Fighters" and the sale of DM) is straight from the tin room skinzina «B & H Britain», addressed to Oh, and all lovers of beer, live fervor and blue tattoos on the booms, etc. actual veshchichek for the return of white supremacy.

Interview: Woden, Black Out, March Or Die (England) and White Devils (Poland). Important materials, the mountains of reports from gigs, reviews of CDs, plus a small political news. 28 are committed to John Steward, and do not give up! Independent Voice is "only the music, not politics!

Order Number:

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system introduces in the RF global control

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President Dmitry Medvedev instructed to intensify work on the introduction of e-passports " for the Russians, despite the fact that the chip has not yet created a domestic production. "Wait until we create a chip that will not, otherwise he would never create. Implement foreign-chip "- the president said Monday at a meeting of the committee on the modernization and technological development of economy.

Once established Russian chip will be made reinstallation, and the cards will be reissued. "No problem it will not create respect database, you need to be afraid of another - think that this is my request to the Government to act now in this way "- quoted Medvedev, Interfax reports.

He called for three months - to fly - to finalize the legal documents on implementation of universal e-card (UEK) citizen Russia, stating that it "will become the second most important identity documents in the country, and perhaps the first", RBC reports. "The passport - a document formal He will be presented in rare cases "- the president said.

- Medvedev tried universal map Muscovite
- Muscovites Protest cards
- The state does not come up with information protection, but the card issue will not affect
- Dvorkovich exposed details of: using the card 50% of the money will go into clearing
- Talking about the design of maps, Medvedev joked about the mascots of Sochi-2014, selected "to taste tandem»

According to him, there is an idea to combine the universal map on one carrier with rights to control the car. Another idea is that the card in a moment would be one way to simplify the registration Russian citizens when they are moved around the country. "This will help both citizens and law enforcement agencies," - said Medvedev.

The Russian leader also finds an interesting idea of using UEK to vote in elections. "In this case, each citizen would have understood that his voice had happened. Potentially, if it is possible for the future, it would be nice, "-" Medvedev said, stressing that this perspective is not today and not tomorrow, but in any case "An interesting little thing."

According to the president, UEK be recognized both in Russia and abroad. "The map should not be some kind of home-grown product, who did not receive recognition in other countries "- said Medvedev, recalling that unsuccessful attempts to create a map of Russia have already been.

Medvedev called the project the implementation of a universal electronic card, "one of the most important" in the commission's work. "This will help simplify the bureaucratic procedures to improve the quality of public services, raise awareness of citizens about their rights, have a positive impact on the development of mass culture and non-cash payments "- he said.

«Universal card can be used as a bank, as a full legal tender in Russia, and for abroad ", - the president added.

Source: NEWSru

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inhabitant of Novgorod area for some reason, confessed to the murder of an Uzbek

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In Priozersk district of Leningrad region revealed the murder of migrant workers from Uzbekistan. One of the crime itself was the police and all told. His accomplices were detained.

As of Monday, February 28, BelTA 47News the press-service police department of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, February 25 2011, 15.30 in the 121-th police department asked the 27-year resident of the Novgorod region, a statement that the 14 February 2011 in the village of Zamosc Priozersky district of the Leningrad area, in the bath in the cottage under construction, during a quarrel that arose after drinking alcoholic beverages, with 38-year-old citizen R. Ukraine and 24-year-old resident of the Novgorod region C. They knives killed 25-year-old citizen of Uzbekistan, then in order to conceal traces of the crime buried corpse on the building site. As a result of operational search activities corpse exhumed.

criminal case under Article 105 part 1 of the Criminal Code (murder). All were detained under article 91 of the Code.


In Libya, attacking all blacks

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Natives from Kenya and Nigeria in a hurry leave Libya, plagued by clashes between troops and opposition forces supported by the head of the country's Muammar Gaddafi, because of frequent attacks by local residents, who consider them as mercenaries, acting on the side of Gaddafi.

flight landed in Nairobi, which brought from Libya 90 Kenyans, as well as citizens of Southern Sudan, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Zambia, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone and Burundi. Informs Reuters referring to the informed source.

Government of Nigeria reported on Sunday that the country had returned from Libya About a thousand people, the same number they expect in the coming days.

«They attacked us, considering the mercenaries Gaddafi. They attack all black people "- said one of the passengers of the flight, which arrived in Nairobi, said, .

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In Samara, the Armenians lamented Sahakyan, who was killed by unidentified

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In Samara Rally memory SSU student Armen Sahakyan, who was killed on January 15. People who came to honor the memory of the deceased third year gathered at the bus stop, where the tragedy occurred. As reported Information Center of the newspaper of Armenians of Russia Yerkramas », relatives, friends and classmates came with flowers and lit candles, and then went to the cemetery.

Recall that the murder occurred on January 15 at the bus stop "Postnikov ravine. Armen Sahakyan stabbed in the chest about eight o'clock in the evening. The guy admitted to hospital with penetrating knife wound of the chest about 21:30 pm, but to save him failed. Many observers do not believe the murder Armen random. They could not help noticing that the killing of Armenians occurred in the day shares Memory football fan Yegor Sviridov, who was killed Caucasians December 6 last year. A criminal case was initiated under the "murder" without qualification, so as not to spoil the statistics and does not attract the attention of high chiefs.

«That evening he phoned friends and asked to note the successful end of the session, - Said his father, A. Sahakyan. - He sat on the tram, follow the route number 13, and left at the stop "Postnikov ravine. According to our assumptions, stuck right behind him group of young people, about five people. I think they were skinheads, because that day was 40 days after the murder of football fan Yegor Sviridov. Medical examiners have told me that he plunged a knife under the heart, pulled up and provernuli to 180 degrees. However, Armenia was able to walk another 15 meters before stopping and ask the taxi driver to take him to hospital. On the way to hospital he died. " From the words of the father killed the student, his son did not take anything of value, although it is used in this evening was a gold chain and bracelet, a good watch, mobile phone and a small amount of money in your wallet.

However, law enforcement officers had the A different view, despite the fact that the suspects in the crime the investigation is still lacking. "One of the versions of the causes of crime police calls the robbery. But what about the robbery can there be if Armen with them had the money, cell phone and gold chain. None of this is lost. This is already the third such case in the past year ... "- expressed his opinion the head of the Samara regional public organization" The Armenian community of Arthur Martirosyan.

noted that attacks on people of other ethnicity in Samara has already happened. So, more recently, the Kirov District Court in Samara convictions 19 year old local resident Bronislaw Prischepa for an attack on people because of ethnic hatred. According to the Federal Security Service of Samara Oblast, B. Prischepa was a nationalist group whose members beat people of non-Slavic appearance. "In 2010, the Office has received information about this group. It turned out that at the next attack from the beatings he died a citizen of Kyrgyzstan ", - said in a statement.

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March 1, police Russia will be able to close any site without a court

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Russian police are able to close any Internet resource without a court order. Such a situation was found in the Law on Police with effect from 1 March, the newspaper Vedomosti.

Item 12 of Part 1 of Article 13 of the Act gives police the right to close sites on demand to the leadership web hosting companies. Previously this was possible only by court decision or in the course of a criminal investigation.

The new law increases the efficiency of combating copyright infringement on the Internet, according to the Interior Ministry.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Group of Companies Masterhost Leonid Filatov explained reporters that before, if the police demanded to stop obvious violations, such as close child pornography websites, then closes it without a court order. However, according to an expert when it came, for example, copyright infringement, "Masterhost" redirected the plaintiffs in the court that those first proved violations. "

According to the newspaper, interviewed providers promise to follow the new norm, and representatives of Yandex and to comment on the merits abstained.


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Canadians were arrested for the Roman salute in Berlin in

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Police in Berlin arrested a resident of Quebec, Canada, poses for a photograph in front of the Reichstag with upturned hand in a Nazi salute. As reported by reference to Der Tagesspiegel publication The Local, the incident occurred on Saturday, February 26.

According to The Daily Telegraph, law enforcement officers put handcuffs on Canadians in just a few seconds after he threw up his hands. Together with a tourist was detained by his girlfriend, a citizen of Germany, which was questioned along with it, writes Toronto Star.

Soon after questioning and paying mortgage Canadian freed. It is reported that out of his camera confiscated the flash card, which was shot in front of the Reichstag. No charges brought against tourists was not. Meanwhile, The Daily Telegraph says that most likely he got a warning and a fine. Will apply any sanctions to his girlfriend, is unknown.

Nazi salute in Germany is considered a criminal offense punishable with imprisonment up to three years. Meanwhile, writes the British edition, hundreds of tourists annually make the same mistake as the ban on gesture know not all.


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Nevograd were buried by Dmitry Antipov

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body of a native of St. Petersburg by Dmitry Antipov, before it was delivered to the city on the Neva. After holding at the insistence of relatives of autopsy for independent examination, funerals were held which were attended by 50 people. Under the watchful control of the police, the event there were no accidents.

told Vzglyad stepfather died Mikhail Mitrofanov, his trip over the body adopted son, was accompanied by increased attention from local law enforcement bodies: "The car is constantly stopped on the way there and back at all the post of DPS, I was detained twice in the Belsky and taken to the local police station, ostensibly to check their documents, was confiscated mobile phones and SIM cards, which never returned, "Mitrofanov said.

The official version of the administration Colony, 18 February 2011 during the evening checking Dmitry Antipov was found hanged in a cell a punishment cell on the segment's own T-shirts tied to the lattice. Such information Vzglyad told the prison officials on the phone. Mikhail Mitrofanov doubts in this version. "I've been in the chamber, inspected and it sure their own hang a man out there is simply impossible, "he said in an interview with LOOK.

Investigation Committee the Arkhangelsk Region and the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Erpulev refused to give the newspaper LOOK any comments on the causes of death Antipov and report the results provednnogo in the colony autopsy, saying that "the investigation verification deadline extended until 18 March 2011 and documents relating to its results, he will send to St. Petersburg relatives of the mail. " Thus, the decision to initiate or not to institute criminal proceedings on the prisoner's death is still pending.

St. Petersburg lawyer Andrew Fedorko, representing the Human Rights Centre "Russian Verdict, believes that the way a consequence of trying to delay time: "He is playing for time to passions subsided, and then expect everything to pull on the brakes," said the lawyer. However, according to him in prison Belsky death of a prisoner caused discontent among the prisoners, and he does not rule out of prison disturbances due to the fact that "the prison administration completely ignores the legitimate rights and interests of prisoners serving their sentences. " According to him on another inmate nationalist Maxim Polufakina, who was serving a sentence together with Antipov, the prison administration has a moral pressure to ensure that "Polufakin took responsibility would bring Antipova to commit suicide. "

Upon his return to St. Petersburg with the body's stepson Michael Mitrofanov turned into city offices forensic to conduct a new autopsy. The results will be ready within the next month, but as he said a preliminary examination of the body experts revealed injuries of varying severity, whose origin is to be seen.

At a funeral attended by up to 50 nationalist funeral rite, under the watchful control of the police pass without incident. The mother of the deceased Hope Antipova happened newspaper commented VIEW very briefly: "I will all ways to bring the perpetrators to justice in her son's death, because otherwise the other guys will have to kill with impunity in other prisons and jails. "

Dmitry Antipov was found dead in prison 42/14 Velsk in the Arkhangelsk region. According to one version, he was killed during clashes prisoners-of Caucasians on the other - committed suicide as a result of tightening conditions.

Source: Look

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Uzbek raping 6-year-old son of his concubine

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investigative agencies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Smolensk region initiated a criminal case against 27-year old citizen of Uzbekistan who is suspected of committing a crime under subsection "b" part 4 of article. 132 of the Criminal Code (sexual assault against a person under 14 years old).

According to investigators, during the period in 2010, the suspect at their residence in the town of Vyazma repeatedly committed sexual assault against a 6-year-old son of his concubine.

At the request of the investigation against a suspect by the court a preventive measure in the form of detention, conducts investigations and operational activities aimed at the establishment of all the circumstances of the offense. Criminal investigation is continuing.

Source: SC RF

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point to 282 for graffiti in Arkhangelsk

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investigative authorities Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on the Arkhangelsk Region and Nenets Autonomous District prosecuted for the crime, under Part 1 of Art. 282 (actions aimed at inciting ethnic hatred in a society committed publicly).

According to investigators, two 20 - Summer Arkhangelsk in August and September, and November 2, 2010 during the night caused by pre-prepared paint stencil of the inscriptions on the two shops and residential houses located in the heart of the city of Arkhangelsk, inscriptions, intended to arouse the society of hatred and enmity on the basis of attitude towards a particular nationality.

criminal case was filed on the basis of audit materials of the regional FSB of Russia in the Arkhangelsk area.

is ongoing investigative activities designed to establish all the circumstances of the crime, appointed examination. Criminal investigation is continuing.


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Nikita Tikhonov: I slandered myself to Eugene was released from custody

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Nikita Tikhonov, accused of killing lawyer Markelov and Anastasia Baburova, said in Moscow City Court, which in the course of the investigation pleaded guilty to committing a crime in the hope of the liberation of their common-law wife Eugenia Khasis, the correspondent of the Russian agencies, legal and judicial information RAPE / from the courtroom.

Markelov and journalist of Novaya Gazeta Baburova were shot to death Jan. 19, 2009 in Moscow. On suspicion of committing a crime 3 November 2009 were arrested Tikhonov and Khasis.

Two days before the meeting of the Basmanny Court on the application consequences for the conclusion of the Tikhonov custody he told reporters that he admit guilt. However, the next extension of his arrest, in December 2009, Tikhonov said to waive these earlier confessions. Tikhonov explained previously made recognition of the pressure of the investigation and threatening to send Khasis "in male press-house. "

At the final stage of the investigation Tikhonov again changed position, pleaded guilty to arms trafficking and falsifying documents. In this case, the guilt of murder he denies.

At the meeting of the Moscow City Court on Monday, Tikhonov made an application for recognition as inadmissible evidence of his initial confession of murder. Defendant based its motion unethical behavior lawyer Eugene Skripeleva representing his interests at the initial stage of a criminal investigation. Defendant argues that creaked misled him by promising to secure the release of Khasis from custody in If found them guilty.

Tikhonov informed the court that he took the blame on himself, hoping thereby to drop charges against Khasis. The Court will incorporate the application to materials case, deferring its consideration.

After hearing procedural motions court resumed its session with the jury. Statement court gave witness Markelov and Baburova. She identified the murderer to Tikhonov.

«I was a witness to the murder of two people in Prechistenka 19 January 2009. I heard three shots, turned and faced the young man who is in the dock. He ran past me in the direction Metro "- said the witness.

At the same time she was unable to identify the Khasis, told the court that has not seen her in flagrante delicto. Similar evidence previously gave another witness murder, identified the Tikhonov killer.

Tikhonov accused of murder and illegal possession of weapons, he could face penalties up to life imprisonment. Khasis charged with complicity in murder, guilt, she denies.

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«experts" have decided that "Glory to Russia" incite hatred and enmity

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in the Kalinin district court in St. Petersburg on Monday was announced re-integrated forensic linguistic Examination of the phrase "Kill the Hacha, Hacha urine", "Bay Churbanov", "Bay Black, Bay hachey", "Rats - krysyachya death" and "Russia for the Russian, who shouted students, beating other students, according to Human Rights Association "AGORA".

experts concluded that the circumstances set out in the charge brought against defendant indictment, these statements "are aimed at inciting hostility towards the beaten students, as well as the humiliation of their dignity as representatives of certain ethnic groups - people of the Caucasus ", said the report, received in" Gazetu.Ru.

third expert was appointed by the court on January 26.

Early process forensic expert at the Center of the North-West Helena District Kiryukhina not found in these phrases signs incitement of enmity.

followed by expert Nizhny Novgorod State University came to the unequivocal conclusion that the phrase "aimed at inciting ethnic hatred, hostility, and the humiliation of human dignity or group of persons on grounds of nationality, place of origin. " This examination has not been accepted by the court, because the investigator did not Experts warned of liability for perjury, and for formal reasons were reported violation of the Rules of destination examination.

ninth-Tahir Kerimov and his friend Suleiman Ramazanov were beaten in St. Petersburg, a group of young people in the school yard on Feb. 14, 2009. State Forensics found in Kerimov's closed head injury - a brain contusion to severe, a through-torn wound bruised lower lips, face numerous bruises. As a result, a teenager spent several months in a coma. The case gained public attention.

A third examination in this case had a linguist, a specialist in Structural and Applied Linguistics Igor Zharkov, Associate Professor of General Linguistics of St. Petersburg Paul Klubkov State University and associate professor of Russian language-nefilologov University Marina Luzhkov. The experts decided saying that "Russia for the Russian" "a political slogan, aimed at inciting national hatred, hatred or hostility on grounds of nationality, and contains a hidden call for violent change of constitutional system of the Russian Federation. " The experts stressed that there were insufficient grounds to believe that saying "Glory to Russia" in the circumstances set forth in the indictment is directed at inciting hatred or enmity.

Also in the findings of the study states that it is not possible to determine whether directed at inciting hate speech "Urine beasts" and "Beat Churbanov. With regard to the phrase 'Rats - krysyachya death ", the experts identified it as aimed at inciting hostility toward Karimov and Ramazanov, the humiliation of their personal dignity, "regardless of their nationality or origin".

next hearing on this case will March 11.

Source: Herald

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Pedophile-radio host, corrupting young militiamen, candidly admitted throughout

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DJ Radio "C" Vladimir Fadeev, aka Fadei Fadeev, made a confession in a criminal case brought under Article 135 of the Criminal Code "Quite of sexual abuse against minors. " As reported by «URA.Ru» the press service of the police department in Yekaterinburg, after the charges Fadeev has written a frank recognized and confirmed that he repents of his deed. Immediately thereafter, Fadeev was transferred from the detention center of Internal Affairs of Yekaterinburg in jail № 1, where is now.

As explained to the correspondent of «URA.Ru» the press service of the police department of Yekaterinburg, all investigations are conducted with the participation of counsel Vladimir Fadeev and now petitions and comments from him have been reported.

sexual scandal involving a popular radio broadcaster in Yekaterinburg, erupted after the law enforcement operations and the fund "City Without Drugs". Detained students of the Lyceum of the elite police, spreading the drugs оперативники вышли на съемную квартиру, где обнаружили фотографии с обнаженными подростками в компании Владимира Фадеева. Более того, один из опрошенных employees of the City Without Drugs "high school students reported that he rents a room at the broadcaster, which has repeatedly come to his acquaintances, including freshmen лицея. Фадеев якобы угощал их крепким спиртным, а затем предлагал принять участие в откровенных съемках.

Верх-Исетский районный суд Екатеринбурга принял decision to arrest the leader on Feb. 19 after he repeatedly failed to appear on-call investigator. Fadeev was detained at the exit from a rented apartment on the street Vikulova. In the office, the radio "SI" after the criminal case against Vladimir Fadeev were searched, confiscated for the study of data from his desktop computer.

Source: «URA.Ru»

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Orthodox ideologue "Nashi" Gaddafi has supported in the execution of the rebels

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One of the leaders of the pro-Kremlin Nashi, the head of his orthodox direction Boris Yakemenko supported the idea of Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi about the physical destruction members of mass protests against the ruling regime, sweeping Libya on February 15. At the same time, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev condemned the methods of fighting al-Gaddafi with the rebels. This writes Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

member of the Public Chamber, the brother of the founder of "our" and Chapter Rosmolodezh Vasily Yakimenko Yakimenko B. wrote on February 21 in a personal blog post titled "right way", which expressed support for the Libyan leader in the fight against provocateurs who seek to to civil war. " The author has laid on the U.S. responsibility for what is happening in Libya.

«Libya's leader Colonel Gaddafi has shown the world how to deal with agents provocateurs who seek to overthrow, to destabilize and civil war. He began to destroy them. Rockets and everything at his disposal. And this is the surest way to eliminate the use of American "revolutionary" technologies. Well done, Colonel Gaddafi. Everyone would be so "- admires actions Jamahiriya leader Boris Yakemenko.

orthodox ideologue Nashi also called Qaddafi "a man ready to take responsibility for what happens in the country. "

The same text was published on the official site of the Nashi movement, but soon disappeared from there, said the radio station Ekho Moskvy.

Statement Boris Yakemenko has outraged not only the opposition but also to the officials, the newspaper notes.

Russian presidential aide Arkady Dvorkovich condemned Boris Yakemenko statements about the situation in Libya's record on Twitter: "No decent words about it."

himself President Medvedev recently made a sharp criticizing the Qaddafi: "The Russian leadership has condemned the use of the authorities of the Libyan forces against civilians, the destruction of the civilian population will be qualified as a crime. "

In addition, the President noted that "Moscow is seriously concerned about the events that take place in Libya. Most deep regret causing numerous casualties reported by the media. Russia condemns use of force against civilians, as authorized management the country. " Medvedev urged the Libyan head restraint "in order to prevent further deterioration and destruction of civilian populations." "Otherwise, such actions will be qualified as a crime with all the attendant consequences of international law", - underlined в заявлении главы российского государства.

После этого Якеменко подкорректировал свою позицию, выступив с разъяснением в виде другой статьи, опубликованной site as "Nashi". The first thing the author referred to Medvedev's statement and stressed that the president calls the official Tripoli to refrain from using force against civilians. "The president actually calls to separate innocent people from those who are at war with his own country and the leader of the country with the support external forces. And rightly so, "- explains Yakemenko. In his view, the problem is that in the current climate it is difficult to separate one from another. Ideologist of the "Nashi" believes that Russia, which Gaddafi has always trusted, "understands what is happening in Libya and who was behind the provocation, may now contribute stabilize the situation. "

Source: RIA «New Region»

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Deputy Chief of ATS by ore merchant promised to cut the fingers

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colonel threatened to cut off the fingers of the businessman if he did not give him $ 50,000.

47-year-old deputy chief of ATS service PFUR Gregory Vasil'chuk caught red-handed when receiving money from the capital of a merchant.

- lieutenant colonel took when he shared the 50 thousand dollars with his accomplice, - Life News reported in law enforcement.

$ 25,000 found in the pockets of a policeman. The money was his "fee" for assistance.

- Vasil'chuk "Roofing" business of his friend - a merchant, renting the pavilion in the mall "Expostroy on Nakhimovskom prospect, - has explained Life News source in law enforcement bodies. - In early February, the entrepreneur estimates that one of his partners owed 50,000 and attracted to knock out of debt "roof" - Vasil'chuk.

Colonel decided to treat the debtor in a style that used the Chicago mafia and Russian racketeers early 90's.

At the meeting, he promised to cut off partner of his partner in crime, first fingers, then his hand, and then quartered at all.

Scared debtor appealed to the department's own security, and Vasil'chuk colleagues have prepared an operation to take him in the act.

- We will continue to purge our ranks of those for whom profit is more important and enriching public service, esprit de corps and the chase - said Life News division head of the educational work of the police department in South-western district Valentin Nesterov.

Gregory Vasil'chuk worked with the police in South-West district of the capital for more than 8 years. Now he hopes that the incident will be settled as "unfortunate misunderstanding".

- These are my good friends, there was some financial dispute, and three men sit down and talk, and then one gets up and goes to write a statement and all doubt believe that the person being bullied - in his own police officer explained what had happened. - There is no fact of which should interest our bodies.

- Nothing will happen, - assures itself and the surrounding colonel. - I would not like to give it some resonance. Perhaps, then, when it's over.

end all for Vasil'chuk can not only loss of shoulder straps, but the actual jail time. Feb. 28 should decide whether to institute criminal case.

Source: Life News

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Datsik attacked the officer and remained in prison for

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nationalist Vyacheslav Datsik, also known as Ginger Tarzan, who is now serving an eight-month sentence for possession of a weapon in a Norwegian prison Ila, gave it a fight with the warden, not to go free.

Law enforcement agencies of Norway would be released on Feb. 25 from prison early, but it was not in the plans Datsika told "MK" former head of the banned "Slavic Union", which includes Datsik, Dmitry Demushkin representing the interests of the athlete.

- Datsik spent two third term. And the public commission - in Norway, the questions of parole, unlike in Russia decides not to court - decided to let him go, because in the country should turn to stints in jail, and future cons of three to five years waiting to get into the camera - told Demushkin. - Then something Datsik and decided to stay behind bars in this way, giving the ear guards and door knocking.

Datsik said that he simply had nowhere to go to Norway after his release.

in tattoo parlor, which was also the headquarters of the SS Norway, on the eve of the committee's decision had been searched. All three activists - a Norwegian, Ukrainian and Estonian, in which decorated and tattoo parlor, - Arrested for possession of explosives. And besides them, the Datsika in Norway yet.

Two months later, will consider granting Vyacheslav Datsiku a residence permit in Norway. Demushkin considers that the case could well end in favor of the Red Tarzan. After this Datsik intends to continue performance in the fight without rules, and alleged in Norway are even willing to sign him.

Source: MK

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Riazan opened the Arabic language courses

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in Ryazan is long overdue need for Arabic language courses open to all comers. And in March 2011 a possibility they appear: in the library Gorky open Arabic courses for students of all ages.

According to knowledgeable people who want to learn Arabic language in Ryazan can not always do it. Difficult to find a good teacher, which owns both the language and methods of its teaching, and training on a commercial based not everyone can afford. Not to mention the schedule, which not all can combine with work, school and personal affairs.

Organisers Course Arabic language in the department of Foreign Languages in the regional library named after Maxim Gorky are hoping that the schedule of sessions will be convenient for everyone. The necessity of such courses is long overdue, explain their initiators:

- Russia has a long historical relations with Arab countries. Arab Culture - One of the most interesting in the world. Also in Ryazan, many students-Arabs. And I must say, Arabic language courses are already under way in the Ryazan higher education - but they were are only available to students. The library of the same courses will be open to all wishing to learn Arabic and get acquainted with Arab culture, since language inextricably linked with the mentality and culture of the people.

Experts say that familiarity with the Arabic language can be not only practical purpose (for example, it is necessary for work). In a broader sense, the study of language opens the possibility of a deep familiarity with other world cultures, and develops tolerance to other nations and languages, different beliefs and mentality.

, told the head of the department of foreign literature Irina Teriokhin courses will be open to all comers. Application of international practices and professional approach will allow them to conduct a high level. In this case, will pay the minimum. After the course students will be able to pass the exam and receive an international certificate of proficiency in Arabic.

- We are waiting for everyone: adults and students, and schoolchildren - add employees of foreign department of the library. - Classes will be held in our building, ie, in the city center that is convenient for everyone. Textbooks used during the course, must be ordered in the United Arab Emirates - is an international course in Arabic as a foreign language. "

remains to add that the lessons (Twice a week in the evening) will be adjusted in accordance with the wishes of the participants. The organizational meeting will be held March 13 at 13.00 to the address: Str. Nikolodvoryanskaya, d. 24 (House of Saltykov-Shchedrin, Department of Foreign Languages). At the meeting, teachers will talk about the details of the courses and will answer all questions.

number of speakers of Arabic and its variants worldwide is about 240 million (mother tongue), and about 50 million people use Arabic as a second language. The official and working language of the General Assembly and other United Nations bodies (UN). The official language of all Arab countries.


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China as an appendage of the U.S.

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Recently, one of the biggest forums "Tianya even" (translated as "End of the World", there was one article, the author who called himself "The husband of Aunt Xiang Lin" (the name of the heroine of popular Chinese novel). He writes: "All the hints have become accustomed to the authorities that the" conspiracy of America destroys Chinese economy ". But is this really so? We have 10 simple questions "... and the article immediately became very popular in China.

As the author writes, the Chinese economy There are many oddities that we explain the fact that in all of this to blame a conspiracy of America. For example: a happy natural environment, which should be retained for future generations, has been destroyed, health and housing has been reduced to a minimum. In China, the lowest salary in the world, all this to the country emerged the cheapest work force producing the cheapest goods in the world, then to export them to America. There These commodities are exchanged for dollars that are printed on paper only. The money from the sale of these goods do not fall into the hands of the Chinese people, they are purchased U.S. bonds and equities, so that America could then use that money for the purchase of Chinese factories, banks and mines. Thus, America is seeking the purpose of his plot ... This is how we manipulate the power is, simply, "a conspiracy is ruining America, China and its economy ...»

But these "logical and obvious" explanations, there are some inconsistencies. And the author listed 10 questions to the authorities. As commented Xie Tian, a specialist on the Chinese economy, professor University of South Carolina, in an article published in the magazine "New Age» (New Epoch Weekly), all of these questions are very reasonable:

First question: If we are the major U.S. creditor, why we must simultaneously provide favorable conditions for attracting foreign capital?

«Good question!" - commented Professor Hsieh. China has U.S. bonds worth about one trillion U.S. dollars. At the same time, over the past 30 years in power China at various levels have provided favorable conditions and attracted foreign capital and worth around one trillion dollars. "Preferential Terms" - It sverhoplata for his contribution, that is, providing more favorable conditions for foreign owners of capital, sacrificing the interests of the Chinese. But it is not logical Do not buy U.S. bonds, and directly invest in China, not to borrow money from other countries and to sacrifice the interests of the country?

Why power of the Communist Party of China do not do? In fact, the U.S. nothing to do with such decisions are not Americans, and Chinese authorities. But if you ask the CPC Central Committee or of the State Council, no you will not answer. Because it is their hidden ways to rob people. They say that the wealth of the family Mubarak about $ 70 billion United States, but if you want to calculate how much wealth from the Communist Party officials at the ministerial level and the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee, you need to multiply these figures by 300 or 400.

Second question: What's reliable - the material wealth of China or the U.S. debt?
third question: Why should we export goods and change them into debt in dollars, then on each of them to print yuan, and not just print the yuan, as China's economic development?

From the standpoint of economy and finance, and then the other is wealth. First - it's material wealth, the second - is the financial wealth. In a normal economic system, these two types of wealth is very easy to replace each other. But in China, material goods can be transformed into financial wealth only through exports and their replacement by foreign currency. At the same time, financial wealth (foreign currency or bonds) can not just turn into material wealth, For example, a high-quality goods from abroad. Because China's strict controls on imports and foreign exchange. By law, the entire foreign exchange reserve should be printed Yuan in the same amount, why is inevitable inflation, which is now seen in China. The privileges granted to Chinese Communist Party, are the reason such a vicious circle.

fourth question: Why, when the country has enough money to compensate the factories to export (return of export duties, to stimulate exports), but no money to address the issues of housing, education and healthcare for the people? Why people should decide these questions?

Annually China pays for the return of the export duty of about 500 billion yuan that Chinese goods were cheaper and more foreign buyers to purchase goods even cheaper. Why all this? If you understand the causes of the first and the second question, you already know the answer to this question.

Fifth question: Why not pay people once more yuan to make everybody happy, why must pereotpravlyat wealth abroad?
And the sixth question was also in the same spirit: If attracted foreign capital in the U.S. still can not be used directly in China, then why not directly print money for the people to build plants?

These two questions seem naive. Because that's how everything is thought out: at a time when you rob the Communist Party, you should think that this is for the sake of people, and that is America robs you of wealth. If everything is directly distributed to the people, unless someone would give their wealth back to the officials? It both purpose-built canals to control the flow of capital of the country. In what direction will then go to these threads? Of course those who have built such a channel. Even the money that has already received people still climb back by high prices.

In paragraph 3, 5 and 6, the question arises: Why do plants and banks have given to the management of foreigners? Why is it that Chinese law banks can not lend money to their governments, and can give money only to America's debt, which "hates" China, as we say power?

If China has indeed hired professional directors to manage companies and banks, the situation is would be much easier, but the question is just in the fact that managers are not professional directors and specialists, and senior officials or their children, they control the country's finance system, which has the highest profit. If you understand the answers these questions, then you would have already figured out who is a real pest of the country and the Chinese nation, who is the real enemy of the people, not the America of which we kept repeating.

As any country, of course, America will take care of their own interests, but not anymore. She herself was in shock from such a hostile attitude of the Chinese people, nothing realizing it. But irrationality in the fact that recently released information according to which, according to official U.S. statistics, 74.5% of generation children's current officials of the Communist Party of China, whose positions above the minister, have a passport and residence permit in the U.S. 91% of the generation of grandchildren of those officials have U.S. citizenship. That is, in fact, they are American citizens. Try to add these issues together, using logic, then there can better understand this issue.

Finally, the tenth question is about public issues. The question is, what it means to "economic development"? This increase in life of the people (not officials, and their children) or an increase in foreign reserves?

seems to the author, "the husband of Aunt Xiang Lin" knows the answer, but is silent about it. Indeed, that at a time when China owns trillions of dollars and huge foreign exchange reserves, it is worth wondering when we are told that in China's 430 million people live on 7.2 yuan (about 30 rubles.) daily. But the Chinese Communist Party never thinks about these people, she thought about the "future development", which is not very much to the people. What do we do? Author, "the husband of Aunt Xiang Lin" in the article did not give a direct answer, but in the end referred to the sort of dawn for the pyramids in Egypt.

Source: Epoch