Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Imajenes De Dinise Milani

destroy UOC MP then left the Moscow Patriarchate;

should know What is the Moscow Patriarchate?
Ukraine Young

Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church 1917-1918 elected Patriarch Tikhon years (Byelavina) and declared anathema Soviets. Repression began. However a total attack on the church began in 1921 most of the time ROC bishops who chose not to "cooperation", was deleted and replaced by the NKVD workers. Cheka developed a strategy and tactics for destroying the church. In December 1921 Felix Dzerzhinsky KGB chief ordered one of his department heads to write a report to Martyn Latsis, for Lenin, noting that with the church government should not maintain no relationship, "maneuver can only Cheka for a common goal - priests decomposition».

Thousands of recalcitrant priests was imprisoned and executed. Left "at work" only loyal to the authorities who had to communicate to the "bodies" theme confession of his parishioners. October 21 1921 Metropolitan Sergei (Strahorodskyy) requires priests and laity in churches to pray for power red wicked. He was subsequently ordered by the Stalin would be "appointed" Patriarch ROC.
April 29, 1923 "parallel" to the ROC structure, subject Cheka - "obnovlentsy" - led by the Metropolitan Council Sergei organizes the Russian Orthodox Church (I obnovlenskyy cathedral), which makes important Bolsheviks solutions, including:

- to support the Soviet power and the historical necessity of the socialist system;

- a "commemoration" of the Soviet влади на богослужіннях;

— про засудження контрреволюційної діяльності попереднього керівництва Церквою;

— про засудження зарубіжної Russian Orthodox Church (Karlovatskoyi).

Russian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate has not made an act of repentance and lustration in its structure.


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