Monday, February 28, 2011

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Deputy Chief of ATS by ore merchant promised to cut the fingers

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colonel threatened to cut off the fingers of the businessman if he did not give him $ 50,000.

47-year-old deputy chief of ATS service PFUR Gregory Vasil'chuk caught red-handed when receiving money from the capital of a merchant.

- lieutenant colonel took when he shared the 50 thousand dollars with his accomplice, - Life News reported in law enforcement.

$ 25,000 found in the pockets of a policeman. The money was his "fee" for assistance.

- Vasil'chuk "Roofing" business of his friend - a merchant, renting the pavilion in the mall "Expostroy on Nakhimovskom prospect, - has explained Life News source in law enforcement bodies. - In early February, the entrepreneur estimates that one of his partners owed 50,000 and attracted to knock out of debt "roof" - Vasil'chuk.

Colonel decided to treat the debtor in a style that used the Chicago mafia and Russian racketeers early 90's.

At the meeting, he promised to cut off partner of his partner in crime, first fingers, then his hand, and then quartered at all.

Scared debtor appealed to the department's own security, and Vasil'chuk colleagues have prepared an operation to take him in the act.

- We will continue to purge our ranks of those for whom profit is more important and enriching public service, esprit de corps and the chase - said Life News division head of the educational work of the police department in South-western district Valentin Nesterov.

Gregory Vasil'chuk worked with the police in South-West district of the capital for more than 8 years. Now he hopes that the incident will be settled as "unfortunate misunderstanding".

- These are my good friends, there was some financial dispute, and three men sit down and talk, and then one gets up and goes to write a statement and all doubt believe that the person being bullied - in his own police officer explained what had happened. - There is no fact of which should interest our bodies.

- Nothing will happen, - assures itself and the surrounding colonel. - I would not like to give it some resonance. Perhaps, then, when it's over.

end all for Vasil'chuk can not only loss of shoulder straps, but the actual jail time. Feb. 28 should decide whether to institute criminal case.

Source: Life News


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