Monday, February 28, 2011

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Orthodox ideologue "Nashi" Gaddafi has supported in the execution of the rebels

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One of the leaders of the pro-Kremlin Nashi, the head of his orthodox direction Boris Yakemenko supported the idea of Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi about the physical destruction members of mass protests against the ruling regime, sweeping Libya on February 15. At the same time, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev condemned the methods of fighting al-Gaddafi with the rebels. This writes Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

member of the Public Chamber, the brother of the founder of "our" and Chapter Rosmolodezh Vasily Yakimenko Yakimenko B. wrote on February 21 in a personal blog post titled "right way", which expressed support for the Libyan leader in the fight against provocateurs who seek to to civil war. " The author has laid on the U.S. responsibility for what is happening in Libya.

«Libya's leader Colonel Gaddafi has shown the world how to deal with agents provocateurs who seek to overthrow, to destabilize and civil war. He began to destroy them. Rockets and everything at his disposal. And this is the surest way to eliminate the use of American "revolutionary" technologies. Well done, Colonel Gaddafi. Everyone would be so "- admires actions Jamahiriya leader Boris Yakemenko.

orthodox ideologue Nashi also called Qaddafi "a man ready to take responsibility for what happens in the country. "

The same text was published on the official site of the Nashi movement, but soon disappeared from there, said the radio station Ekho Moskvy.

Statement Boris Yakemenko has outraged not only the opposition but also to the officials, the newspaper notes.

Russian presidential aide Arkady Dvorkovich condemned Boris Yakemenko statements about the situation in Libya's record on Twitter: "No decent words about it."

himself President Medvedev recently made a sharp criticizing the Qaddafi: "The Russian leadership has condemned the use of the authorities of the Libyan forces against civilians, the destruction of the civilian population will be qualified as a crime. "

In addition, the President noted that "Moscow is seriously concerned about the events that take place in Libya. Most deep regret causing numerous casualties reported by the media. Russia condemns use of force against civilians, as authorized management the country. " Medvedev urged the Libyan head restraint "in order to prevent further deterioration and destruction of civilian populations." "Otherwise, such actions will be qualified as a crime with all the attendant consequences of international law", - underlined в заявлении главы российского государства.

После этого Якеменко подкорректировал свою позицию, выступив с разъяснением в виде другой статьи, опубликованной site as "Nashi". The first thing the author referred to Medvedev's statement and stressed that the president calls the official Tripoli to refrain from using force against civilians. "The president actually calls to separate innocent people from those who are at war with his own country and the leader of the country with the support external forces. And rightly so, "- explains Yakemenko. In his view, the problem is that in the current climate it is difficult to separate one from another. Ideologist of the "Nashi" believes that Russia, which Gaddafi has always trusted, "understands what is happening in Libya and who was behind the provocation, may now contribute stabilize the situation. "

Source: RIA «New Region»


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