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Riazan opened the Arabic language courses

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in Ryazan is long overdue need for Arabic language courses open to all comers. And in March 2011 a possibility they appear: in the library Gorky open Arabic courses for students of all ages.

According to knowledgeable people who want to learn Arabic language in Ryazan can not always do it. Difficult to find a good teacher, which owns both the language and methods of its teaching, and training on a commercial based not everyone can afford. Not to mention the schedule, which not all can combine with work, school and personal affairs.

Organisers Course Arabic language in the department of Foreign Languages in the regional library named after Maxim Gorky are hoping that the schedule of sessions will be convenient for everyone. The necessity of such courses is long overdue, explain their initiators:

- Russia has a long historical relations with Arab countries. Arab Culture - One of the most interesting in the world. Also in Ryazan, many students-Arabs. And I must say, Arabic language courses are already under way in the Ryazan higher education - but they were are only available to students. The library of the same courses will be open to all wishing to learn Arabic and get acquainted with Arab culture, since language inextricably linked with the mentality and culture of the people.

Experts say that familiarity with the Arabic language can be not only practical purpose (for example, it is necessary for work). In a broader sense, the study of language opens the possibility of a deep familiarity with other world cultures, and develops tolerance to other nations and languages, different beliefs and mentality.

, told the head of the department of foreign literature Irina Teriokhin courses will be open to all comers. Application of international practices and professional approach will allow them to conduct a high level. In this case, will pay the minimum. After the course students will be able to pass the exam and receive an international certificate of proficiency in Arabic.

- We are waiting for everyone: adults and students, and schoolchildren - add employees of foreign department of the library. - Classes will be held in our building, ie, in the city center that is convenient for everyone. Textbooks used during the course, must be ordered in the United Arab Emirates - is an international course in Arabic as a foreign language. "

remains to add that the lessons (Twice a week in the evening) will be adjusted in accordance with the wishes of the participants. The organizational meeting will be held March 13 at 13.00 to the address: Str. Nikolodvoryanskaya, d. 24 (House of Saltykov-Shchedrin, Department of Foreign Languages). At the meeting, teachers will talk about the details of the courses and will answer all questions.

number of speakers of Arabic and its variants worldwide is about 240 million (mother tongue), and about 50 million people use Arabic as a second language. The official and working language of the General Assembly and other United Nations bodies (UN). The official language of all Arab countries.



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