Monday, February 28, 2011

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Special report on the raid on the border with KCR 15.02.2011, the President of Germany spoke

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Deputy Head of Administrative Department - Chief of DEA Russian Interior Ministry, Major General of militia Gribakin VV

Special report

15.02.2011, at about 09.50 during the joint preventive actions involving employees of ATS Kochubeevskoe area, OMON police for the Stavropol Territory and staff MIA Karachay-Cherkessia Republic to sweep the area, in a wooded area, located approximately at a distance of 600-700 meters from the station. Belomechetskoy Kochubeevsky district were discovered unknown that automatic weapons opened fire on police officers.

As a result of fighting five militants killed: 1. Dumenov Zurab Muratovich 15.05.1982 r \\ p Chechen live. KCR Adyge-Hablsky area as well. Erken-Shahar Str. Lenina 24, 2. Aybazov Moussa A. 04/07/1975 d \\ p, to live. KCR as well. Erken-Hulk Str. Ahlova 63; 3. Kivalov Marat Maultovich 25.01.1990 r \\ p, to live. KCR as well. Erken-Hulk Str. Ahlova 65; 4. Alakai Aydemir Dzhambulatovich 05.05.1987 r \\ p, registered Stavropol edge with. Colored d. 5 kv.1, live. KCR Adyge-Hablsky area as well. Erken-Yurt, 5. Ruslan Suleimanov Elshanovich 08.08.1989 r \\ p, to live. KCR Adyge-Hablsky area as well. Erken-Shahar Str. Michurin 9 sq. 2.

Three OMON police for the Stavropol Territory were injured: - a policeman-soldier company operational riot police for the Stavropol Territory (dislocation Stavropol) Senior police lieutenant Miho Sergei Ivanovich 1975 \\ p, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1997, a position held since 2001, was hospitalized in the x / o Kochubei CRH with d / h gunshot wound to the neck, shrapnel wound chest - the operational commander of the company riot police for the Stavropol Territory (dislocation Stavropol) Junior Lieutenant Sergey Petrov 1982 \\ p in the MIA, 2002, in his post since 2008 was hospitalized in the Stavropol Regional Clinical center specialized types of medical care; with d / s: gunshot wound in the groin area - a policeman-soldier platoon of riot police operative for the Stavropol edge (location Stavropol) Ensign police Ustimenko Roman Borisovich 1979 r / p in the MIA since 2003, a position held since 2003, was hospitalized in the Stavropol Regional Clinical Center of the specialized types of medical care with e / s: shrapnel wound in his shoulder.

Three OMON police for the Stavropol edge of the dead: - deputy commander of a platoon of riot police operative for the Stavropol Territory (Stavropol dislocation) Senior Lieutenant Arapov Sergey Y. 1980, \\ p, in the MIA since 2002, in the post since 2009, deputy commander of the rapid-charging riot police for the Stavropol Territory (dislocation Stavropol) Senior Lieutenant Lugovskoi Maxim 1982 / p, in the MIA since 2002, in the post since 2008 - Associate Instructor - sniper platoon operational Riot police in Stavropol Krai (Stavropol dislocation) senior Police ensign Alexander V. Chernenko, 1972, \\ p, in the MIA since 1993, in positions with 2005.

carried out to sweep the area, inspected the crime scene and seize evidence. A signal Vulcan-2. During inspection m \\ n seized weapons used by criminals: 2 PM pistol with ammunition (both gun appear in the search for MIA KCR), 2 AKM rifle, a machine AK and ammunition (total set), cartridge cases to the automatic and small arms and personal belongings of criminals.

Vzryvotehnikami Riot police in the UK destroyed one improvised explosive device, a grenade F-1, and homemade grenades, made from hand grenades from the grenade launcher.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs KCR Aybazov MA, Alakai AD, Dumenov ZM, Kivalov MM 02/05/1911 was announced in the federal wanted list in connection with involvement in the attack, the 04.02.11 in Adyge-Hablskogo district KCR staff at the convoy of Interior Ministry KCR , Suleimanov RE is wanted in connection with the perfect escape after the attack from custody.

In carrying out preventive measures in the UK were involved in 160 staff ATS Kochubeevskoe area, 40 employees Riot police in the Stavropol Territory and 20 OMSN MIA KCR who did the cleaning the area on the territory of KCR.

at m \\ n visited: police chief in the UK Gorovoy AV, Deputy. Attorney Insurance Gladchenko IE, Acting Head of Investigation Department of Insurance, IN Ivanov, deputy. Head sledvstvennogo Committee on Insurance Kovalenko SA, Chief of ATS Kochubeevskoe area Shaev AR, District Attorney Kochubeevsky Pletnev, Head Nevinnomyssk interdistrict SB SC on SC Arustamyan, vice. Head of the inter-district investigative committee vote, Danielian, the employee should. Office of Insurance, staff inter-district investigative committee, Chief Cabinet ATS Kochubeevskoe area Ilchenko, Head of IIB ATS Kochubeevskoe area Leontiev, chief of staff of ATS Kochubeevskoe area Tsarevskii, l / s ATS Kochubeevskoe area, l / s riot police in the UK, Forensic Science Center of Internal Affairs in the UK, ZTSKS police department for the UK, BSME.

senior investigator of the investigation of particularly important cases investigation Control IC initiated in \\ case number 29006 for art. 317 and Art. 222 4.2 of the Criminal Code.

Additional domicile is scheduled for the morning 16.02.11g.

Acting Lieutenant Colonel Chief
Police YB Semykin



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