Monday, February 28, 2011

Letter Community Service Confirmation

Emelin poet was summoned to the Moscow police for poems about Manege

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poet Vsevolod Emelin was summoned to the Moscow police for a "conversation" about his poem about the events at the Manege Square on December 11. About it himself Emelin said in his blog Monday February 28.

According to Vsevolod Emelin, the reason for the call were "signals from the citizens" in connection with the content of the poem "Once again about tenderness." Law enforcement agencies could consider verse incitement of national hatred, Rosbalt reports.

Emelin noted that he was going visit the police, because "in this magical world beyond bullpen and never been drunk tank." The poet added that "invitation" to Petrovka 38, he got on the phone.

Official information about the call to the Moscow police department has received no poet Emelin, writes .

Once again about the tenderness

We, Russian, very gentle,
ignition lines must for us from travmatiki - we are dead men.
Someone's friends come to the Manege
and ransacked.

Because specifically on life
Our Russian beings
extremely prone to fascism,
How long established SOVA Center.

A person of Caucasian nationality
According to the structure of his body -
On the contrary - inclined to internationalism
And antifascism.

see how the Russian fascists Caucasian,
immediately spins around the intrigue.
And if he did not succumb to provocations,
starts to throw at him ridges.

This cowardly throwing ridges,
You can get a man in the eye.
And then, putting his tolerance,
Fists compresses the Caucasus.

Antifa Nazis always won,
's Russian lies with a bullet through his head.
With his hand was a national conflict,
On the opposite side - Home.

and the police, too, for anti-fascists,
They will remember the battle of Kursk arc,
Look for their courageous and honest person
and released with honor in the mountains, home.

But yet cleared
Not all provocateurs,
and worries Manege Square,
's talking about "Mayhem" commentators.

Here they are marching - Russian Fascists,
orderly rows to meet fate.
Losers, troechniki and horoshisty
the 10 th "A" and a 9-second "B".

Many of them will be put in jail
for what they are - Fascist scum,
at the Manege Square shat
and broke Chinese silicone Christmas tree.

Happy New Year!
And I wish the workers as much as,
To everyone was with his people,
where his people with another people arrow scored.

Just remember that we are very gentle,
We are subject to a rubber bullets and sharp knives,
In spring bloom of our bodies, snowdrops
lurking for big cities.

And when our bodies will blossom over the dump
warm pale pink,
past them fly cavalcade of jeeps with flashing lights,
saluting the gold guns.

Vsevolod Emelin


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