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Nikita Tikhonov: I slandered myself to Eugene was released from custody

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Nikita Tikhonov, accused of killing lawyer Markelov and Anastasia Baburova, said in Moscow City Court, which in the course of the investigation pleaded guilty to committing a crime in the hope of the liberation of their common-law wife Eugenia Khasis, the correspondent of the Russian agencies, legal and judicial information RAPE / from the courtroom.

Markelov and journalist of Novaya Gazeta Baburova were shot to death Jan. 19, 2009 in Moscow. On suspicion of committing a crime 3 November 2009 were arrested Tikhonov and Khasis.

Two days before the meeting of the Basmanny Court on the application consequences for the conclusion of the Tikhonov custody he told reporters that he admit guilt. However, the next extension of his arrest, in December 2009, Tikhonov said to waive these earlier confessions. Tikhonov explained previously made recognition of the pressure of the investigation and threatening to send Khasis "in male press-house. "

At the final stage of the investigation Tikhonov again changed position, pleaded guilty to arms trafficking and falsifying documents. In this case, the guilt of murder he denies.

At the meeting of the Moscow City Court on Monday, Tikhonov made an application for recognition as inadmissible evidence of his initial confession of murder. Defendant based its motion unethical behavior lawyer Eugene Skripeleva representing his interests at the initial stage of a criminal investigation. Defendant argues that creaked misled him by promising to secure the release of Khasis from custody in If found them guilty.

Tikhonov informed the court that he took the blame on himself, hoping thereby to drop charges against Khasis. The Court will incorporate the application to materials case, deferring its consideration.

After hearing procedural motions court resumed its session with the jury. Statement court gave witness Markelov and Baburova. She identified the murderer to Tikhonov.

«I was a witness to the murder of two people in Prechistenka 19 January 2009. I heard three shots, turned and faced the young man who is in the dock. He ran past me in the direction Metro "- said the witness.

At the same time she was unable to identify the Khasis, told the court that has not seen her in flagrante delicto. Similar evidence previously gave another witness murder, identified the Tikhonov killer.

Tikhonov accused of murder and illegal possession of weapons, he could face penalties up to life imprisonment. Khasis charged with complicity in murder, guilt, she denies.


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