Monday, February 28, 2011

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March 1, police Russia will be able to close any site without a court

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Russian police are able to close any Internet resource without a court order. Such a situation was found in the Law on Police with effect from 1 March, the newspaper Vedomosti.

Item 12 of Part 1 of Article 13 of the Act gives police the right to close sites on demand to the leadership web hosting companies. Previously this was possible only by court decision or in the course of a criminal investigation.

The new law increases the efficiency of combating copyright infringement on the Internet, according to the Interior Ministry.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Group of Companies Masterhost Leonid Filatov explained reporters that before, if the police demanded to stop obvious violations, such as close child pornography websites, then closes it without a court order. However, according to an expert when it came, for example, copyright infringement, "Masterhost" redirected the plaintiffs in the court that those first proved violations. "

According to the newspaper, interviewed providers promise to follow the new norm, and representatives of Yandex and to comment on the merits abstained.



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