Monday, February 28, 2011

Why Do Polish Women Have Big

Where to get money for the Revolution?

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Editorial RIA RusInfo. recently published article Falcon "Fuel for the Russian Revolution evoked widespread discussion not only on our website. We offer our readers a completely reasonable and pragmatic point of view of our colleague, offers his answer to the question "Where can I get money for the Revolution?".

Greetings, Brothers! After reading Comments on Article Falcon «Fuel for the Russian Revolution» I wanted to talk about funding our joint revolutionary activities. Most right-wing revolutionaries indicates that they are ready to Rakhiv, but do not have to afford it. Previously expected, that the Russian people themselves will rise up and casts a Jewish yoke. But, as he wrote Sokol, people will not do anything, it can only do we - the elite white men. Now, many expect that will be a mythical sponsor and will give money to the national revolution. There will be no sponsor. Money can only take us. No one else we simply do not give. Almost all the major funds in the world belong to at the moment our enemies, and expect that anyone of them will suddenly become our friend and wants to share with us, just plain stupid. Life Saving - the handiwork of drowning.

Thus, we have realized that no sponsors and money will have to get by. Let Now think about how to get them.

a) Earn Money. Honestly to earn money in Russia is possible only on what not to stretch his legs, and the revolution needs the money large, such public honestly did not earn. Earn a fair, no one will, because everything is already divided and everywhere all at family ties are distributed. Us to the feeder, which feeds furtively ranks, not let nobody.

b) collect money from opponents. This method seems the most real in our situation before it and we stop. Given that our ultimate goal - it's coming to power and the creation of the White Confederacy, rather than check in to jail occupants occur to us during the expropriations are not worth it. Therefore, developing a scheme of monetary juice pressed from the enemies of the people, should take care to maximize own safety. The first task - to select suitable targets for expropriation. The second problem - what tools of the selected fruits This is the juice press. As is known, blackmail, kidnapping and other such criminals are caught, usually upon receipt of money. Because the third challenge will be to secure the money.

Selection object. most suitable objects are the major officials - corruption. They are cowardly hence they can exert pressure through fear. They are often exposed to low-lying defects, therefore, they can make dirt.

Corruption in Russia has reached such proportions that it already is visible even to children from nursery group of kindergarten. Leading officials of taking bribes simply enormous sums and their spending on luxury goods (large mansions, yachts, etc.) is completely hidden. In every respect a major city there are such characters. Simply read the local newspaper, take a close look around, listen to what people say and you will understand to whom you should pay more attention.

choice of instruments of pressure. a) Blackmail compromising. Want to find as much confidential information about an object, which, when published, would lead to him undesirable consequences. And the consequences are those who will lead him to losses on the order of magnitude greater than the amount that we wish from him to get. Given the impunity of the current gang in power, look for incriminating evidence of illegal activity embezzler makes no sense. The point to it all still in the publication of compromising not zavedut, and if zavedut, the negative consequences for him, most likely, will not. We must look for information that his compromise to its owners (the higher officials who receive a percentage of the illegal activity we are currently developing an object).

Information that he is somewhere that has stolen and is not shared, threw the hosts, etc. The transfer of such information, especially if it is reliable, the owners of an object can cause for him the consequences incommensurable with the loss of money that we require from him. Implementation of blackmail with blackmail is complicated by the fact that the information that would be useful to us, it is extremely difficult to find. Therefore, this tool will be counted only if such information came to you from accidentally or you know exactly where and how to get this information.

b) military pressure. Using this tool for us a far more realistic than the use of blackmail. With the pressure of the North Caucasian militants successfully squeeze money from corrupt officials and businessmen in their own in the Caucasus. Once we consider themselves the elite White mankind, it means that we can use this tool at least no worse than Caucasians, but in the long term, having received in this matter experience, and better than them. At the moment they have a reputation for cruel and desperate "scumbags", and as a result, bureaucratic thieves afraid of them. And when they require a thief of money, then it is divided, because he wants to live. Here it should be said about motivating people. Official steals money and taking bribes, not because he wants to die, surrounding himself with gold. No, he wants to live a rich life. Dumb official live richly here, buy expensive cars, sorites money. Sly official understanding that the current public education of the Russian Federation is breathing its last, wants to live well after its collapse, and he plans to live on stolen from the people money somewhere in the West. But both of them together, so it's greed and unwillingness to die. Right-wing groups are beginning to get a reputation no less stringent than those of Caucasian militants. That only cost shares Bourn or SPAS! Consequently, the bureaucrats will soon be representatives of fear of radical right-wing movement no less than the Wahhabis.

car exploded or tan house officer, and later sent him a letter stating that it was only a warning, much can be accomplished. You can tell him what school and what grade attend his children. Options a great multitude, but the ultimate goal they have one - deliver the object in an atmosphere of fear. He must constantly expect the strike.

Secure the money. Most people was jailed for squeezing out anyone money, which fell upon receipt of cash. Because of cash to take not recommend it. Work is by bank transfer. Most officials of hiding money overseas. They register the company in the offshore areas, and then open up on these companies in foreign bank accounts and these accounts store stolen from our people. In recent years, even large bribes to receive non-cash, to accounts in foreign banks to offshore office. Part of the funds they invest in any business, is part of the accounts. Intersect with the Russian Interior Ministry and FSB gangs we are absolutely not wish so getting money should be also to accounts abroad.

To begin, select a company engaged in registration of legal entities in offshore zones. To this end, we introduce a search engine the phrase "buying companies in offshore jurisdictions, he will give us a huge number of proposals. Companies engaged Now such activities had multiplied in abundance. When the choice is to learn more about the company, not to run into a scam.

then choose jurisdiction in which we recorded. Given that we are not going to use a registrable our company to do business, it is not necessary register a company in the prestigious and expensive areas. Quite fit anything inexpensive.

Approximate prices for company registration: $ 1000-1500, Belize, Seychelles Island 700-1300 $, British Virgin Islands 1100-1900 $. Price may be an indication enabled nominee service, and maybe without it (the nominee service for an additional fee).

is worth mentioning that this same nominal service it represents. Nominee service - it is a formal director, shareholder, appointments should be manner, and possessing all the powers provided by the charter company. Act in accordance with the instructions of real managers (beneficiaries) company or by issuing a power of attorney, dismissive of the management company. Accessible language is native to which you and the company that provides your paper to transfer your rights to manage the company, signed by him and, dated. In general, for our nominee service is very helpful.

Now we need a "zitspredsedatel Pound, who will agree to a couple of hundred evergreens stay the founder of the office. You might be surprised, but these fools complete. Enough to come to any university and ask them whether they want someone to earn easy money. Be sure there are several characters with washed Yaga brains who want to cooperate. Know what a set of documents should be forwarded to those who will we discover a company, we take it from zitspredsedatelya and open office on it.

Once we have successfully opened a company in the offshore zone, we should start a bank account for that entity. Help us in this same company, who registered our office in the offshore zone. It will cost $ 400-1500 depending on the prestige of the bank and the country, where it is. When you select are important to us is the availability of Internet banking and the issue of lack of plastic cards. The next stage - an order the bank not having cards assigned to open our account. With these maps, we will cash funds. They do not specify the name of the owner. They are usually released for the issue of employees to which the account is opened. As a result, all costs for the opening of accounts and average about $ 2500.

When an object is ready to transfer the money he needs to pass SWIFT code, which is open your account and, accordingly, the account number. Money, of course, to claim his accounts abroad. Warn that if it tries to send money from accounts in Russia, then followed by a terrible retribution. Since all financial transactions take place abroad, the law enforcement system of the Russian Federation has no reason to interfere with the conduct of transactions. If an object suddenly run to complain to the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the gang tries to connect available to him there is communication, it will not give him anything. His money is the accounts that are the same as ours, are open to the Left parties. Banks usually do not provide information on the owners of the accounts. If the law enforcement system of the Russian Federation and the country where open our expense, cooperate, then the maximum that they can achieve, is the name of the founder company for which the account is opened. And he, remember, we have nominal (some local native). Even if we assume the impossible, that the Interior Ministry, tax, Federal Security Service, Interpol or someone else could knock out of the country (tax haven), where open our company, all data on it, then the maximum that they can learn it dunce data from Russia, who agreed to a couple hundred bucks to open an office itself. Ultimately, if the enemies even have to lock our accounts, we lose only the money spent by us, but keep the main thing - freedom.

In my opinion, the scheme of obtaining money, which I have described, the most secure for us. It remains only to protect themselves when exposed to the client. But here is difficult to recommend anything, since each operation may have their own nuances, depending on the city facility, the funds collected for the operation, etc.

Good luck to you, brothers, in the expropriation!

Source: RIA RusInfo

ps That's caught the eye of fresh news in the subject:;)

armed robbers on Monday night robbed a branch of Bank of Moscow in Vladikavkaz. According to preliminary reports, the burglars stole about 200 million rubles, according to a law enforcement source, transmits RBC .

Criminals gunpoint broke into the bank, tied up guards, then one of them entered the store, said a source.

leaving the place a robbery, the bandits have lost a bag of money. According to some reports, the bag was about one million rubles.

The Interior Ministry of North Ossetia, this information has not officially confirmed. Being wanted criminals.


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