Monday, February 28, 2011

What Does The Meaning Of Intitle

«experts" have decided that "Glory to Russia" incite hatred and enmity

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in the Kalinin district court in St. Petersburg on Monday was announced re-integrated forensic linguistic Examination of the phrase "Kill the Hacha, Hacha urine", "Bay Churbanov", "Bay Black, Bay hachey", "Rats - krysyachya death" and "Russia for the Russian, who shouted students, beating other students, according to Human Rights Association "AGORA".

experts concluded that the circumstances set out in the charge brought against defendant indictment, these statements "are aimed at inciting hostility towards the beaten students, as well as the humiliation of their dignity as representatives of certain ethnic groups - people of the Caucasus ", said the report, received in" Gazetu.Ru.

third expert was appointed by the court on January 26.

Early process forensic expert at the Center of the North-West Helena District Kiryukhina not found in these phrases signs incitement of enmity.

followed by expert Nizhny Novgorod State University came to the unequivocal conclusion that the phrase "aimed at inciting ethnic hatred, hostility, and the humiliation of human dignity or group of persons on grounds of nationality, place of origin. " This examination has not been accepted by the court, because the investigator did not Experts warned of liability for perjury, and for formal reasons were reported violation of the Rules of destination examination.

ninth-Tahir Kerimov and his friend Suleiman Ramazanov were beaten in St. Petersburg, a group of young people in the school yard on Feb. 14, 2009. State Forensics found in Kerimov's closed head injury - a brain contusion to severe, a through-torn wound bruised lower lips, face numerous bruises. As a result, a teenager spent several months in a coma. The case gained public attention.

A third examination in this case had a linguist, a specialist in Structural and Applied Linguistics Igor Zharkov, Associate Professor of General Linguistics of St. Petersburg Paul Klubkov State University and associate professor of Russian language-nefilologov University Marina Luzhkov. The experts decided saying that "Russia for the Russian" "a political slogan, aimed at inciting national hatred, hatred or hostility on grounds of nationality, and contains a hidden call for violent change of constitutional system of the Russian Federation. " The experts stressed that there were insufficient grounds to believe that saying "Glory to Russia" in the circumstances set forth in the indictment is directed at inciting hatred or enmity.

Also in the findings of the study states that it is not possible to determine whether directed at inciting hate speech "Urine beasts" and "Beat Churbanov. With regard to the phrase 'Rats - krysyachya death ", the experts identified it as aimed at inciting hostility toward Karimov and Ramazanov, the humiliation of their personal dignity, "regardless of their nationality or origin".

next hearing on this case will March 11.

Source: Herald


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