Monday, February 28, 2011

Pokemon Hacks On Cydia

Parents and relatives of coastal guerrillas are trying to drive into the status of witnesses

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Due to pressure the police and the consequences of attempted suicide with him in jail "partisan" Roman Savchenko. According to his father, Vladimir Savchenko, to himself and committed the assassination. According to him, this was done с целью заткнуть ему рот.

Напомним, «приморских партизан» обвиняют в ряде убийств сотрудников милиции. Своё название парни получили благодаря воззванию Muromtseva novel (which was later put out of business). Roman reported that they declare war on the system, and also asked them to put a candle, because the guys were going to perish in this war. In Ussuriysk in detention were most likely killed by police Sukhorada Andrew and Alexander Sweet. Others are awaiting trial.

According to Savchenko, parents and close the boys are trying to drive into the status of the witnesses. A priori, it denies them the right to meet with the guys.

- I'll be in court defender of his son's wife - a legal representative, we will present evidence that our son did not kill anyone, - said Vladimir Savchenko.

But advocates of "guerrillas" are needed. When Savchenko said in the press about his suspicions that the guys want to kill, after a while the guys have brought on remand experiment. The experiment took place with the parents of "partisan". The wife of Vladimir Savchenko saw operas and became paralyzed guy push his elbow on his Adam's apple. Naturally, parents raised a fuss, and Savchenko, Jr. released.

- My son tried to open a vein. In his note, he wrote that he only did it not to go to the investigative experiments in the CFP-4. Him to die, thank God, not given, and sent to a lock-up, - said Vladimir Savchenko.

Roman expelled from the College of fishery University. The father thinks it's unfair because the court has not yet been, and certainly no one can say to justify or condemn the boys.

father also explains that he himself through a friend several times told that he is too frantic activity, too actively protect her son, that for him it can be dangerous.

- I have a suspicion that they want to kill myself, - said Vladimir Savchenko.

Savchenko working on the truck. Involved in delivery of materials. He there was a time when the four hours it three times tried to call the head-on collision on the road. Yes, he could leave, but he is sure - such a coincidence is not be accidental.

Savchenko wrote to the president on how to mock the guerrillas, but received no response. Complained about the prosecutor Primorye Khokhlova Prosecutor General Chaika. The complaint, as you know, down the prosecutor Khokhlov.

And although his letter to the president no one answered, he began to pull in another letter, also the president, but he did not write.

But excerpts from a letter from the president: "29.10.2010 in the news on television, I saw your dialog, where you give guidance on the fight against guerrillas until destruction. Your words sound convincing and beautiful. But here's the question: how to deal with bandits in the police uniform? After all your words with deeds, and justice will not believe it. We have in Primorye, and specifically, the Kirov and the village of Vladivostok, everything remains continue. Continuing lawlessness, protection racket, extortion on the roads, beat up, etc. In mockery of the people are the standard unsubscribe "no violations found" ... Or are you still on the groans of the people? You are well and fine, and cattle will suffer, and if take up arms, we will destroy it, because we are the system and fight against the system useless. ... Everything on paper does not describe. Ground at a meeting with your representative. Please just do not have any prosecutorial or police inspectors, they do not have faith. Example: The sergeant of the investigative committee, which conducts the criminal case, T ... in court, when counsel makes the suspect, the name at the meeting, to sign documents against him, and when the latter refused, T ... said: "Wait, you get into CFP-4 on Karbysheva in Vladivostok, and all sign it." What do you mean? We know the surnames of all the police officers for torture and abuse, so please send a representative ... I am perfectly clear that you are busy, but not the strength to endure lawlessness perpetrated by the police. Vladimir Savchenko.

way, in our conversation, Vladimir Savchenko mention one detail - Two days before his death, kind of like a helicopter flew in the Kirov region in the mansion to Vasili Skiba, Head of Criminal Police of the Kirov region, Head of Emergency at PC Nikolay Timoshenko. Recall Maj. Nicholas Tymoshenko on October 11 last year shot in her apartment building . On the forums Vladivostoktsam expressed condolences to the family of the deceased and expressed distrust of the version of suicide.

Anastasia Popova
Arseniyevsky News


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