Monday, February 28, 2011

Endometrial Cancer Pathophysiology Diagram

Uzbek raping 6-year-old son of his concubine

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investigative agencies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Smolensk region initiated a criminal case against 27-year old citizen of Uzbekistan who is suspected of committing a crime under subsection "b" part 4 of article. 132 of the Criminal Code (sexual assault against a person under 14 years old).

According to investigators, during the period in 2010, the suspect at their residence in the town of Vyazma repeatedly committed sexual assault against a 6-year-old son of his concubine.

At the request of the investigation against a suspect by the court a preventive measure in the form of detention, conducts investigations and operational activities aimed at the establishment of all the circumstances of the offense. Criminal investigation is continuing.

Source: SC RF


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