Friday, February 25, 2011

Recipe With Chicken, Velveeta And Rotel

Statement by Representatives of Christian Churches

AVOID POLITICAL reprisals against Stalinism Opponents
the site of the PPO "Trident" named after Stepan Bandera

arrests that occurred in Ukraine in January 2011 on charges of destruction of the monument to Stalin in Zaporizhia, alarmed Christians of different denominations. Brutal nature of the detention of the accused, the lack of evidence of their guilt, the prohibition of contact with a lawyer and family detained contrary to law, adopted in democratic countries, which refer to themselves and Ukraine. The reason for the arrests nominated destruction Monument bloodiest dictator twentieth century. guilty of genocide against the Ukrainian people, mass repression of Christians in the USSR, the so called part of the Ukrainian society as an attempt of rehabilitation of Stalin and Stalinism. This preserves the validity of a decree of President of Ukraine № 250/2007 «On measures at the 75 anniversary Famine of 1932 - 1933 in Ukraine from 28 March 2007, which among other attributes to "3.6. Take an action in dismantling of monuments and commemorative mark on the persons implicated in the organization and execution of the Holodomor of 1932 - 1933 in Ukraine and political repression, and to rename the established order of streets, squares, lanes, avenues, parks and squares in towns of Ukraine, whose names associated with such persons. Himself But the fact statue from undermining the use of explosives remains unconfirmed. The society extends to undermine the idea of a monument Stalin in Zaporozhye for political killings of opponents of the ruling party.

It makes us, the representatives of different Christian denominations apply to public authorities, judiciary and prosecutors to demand to bring treatment to citizens of Ukraine accused in the destruction of the monument Stalin, in line with existing legislation, to exempt them from holding illegal detention and to consider the charges against them in the open trial.

considers necessary for the preservation of public peace, to President of Ukraine commented on these events and interpreted the attitude of the government to the historical heritage of Stalinism and the Stalin era monuments figures.

Archbishop Igor Isichenko, UAOC

Lord Andrew SAPELYAK, SRS, Bishop Emeritus, Church, City Verhnedneprovsk

Bishop Stephen Meniok, CSSR, Donetsk-Kharkiv Exarchs Church

o.Serhiy Okunev, parish educators Slavic saints Cyril and Methodius, the UOC-KP, c. Kamians'ke (Dnipropetrovsk)

o.Petro Burak, the parish of St. Michael, chief chaplain of the "Trident" im.S.Bandery, Ternopil

o.Yuriy KROLEVSKYY, Dean Kharkov, Church

o.Yuriy SHALAMAHA, parish VIC Demetrius, chaplain of the Lviv regional organization of the "Trident" im.S.Bandery, Church, City Lions

o.Ihor PAHULYCH, parish of Transfiguration, Church, City Kamians'ke (Dnipropetrovsk)

o.Oleksandr SMERECHYNSKYY, the parish of St. Archangel Michael Church, Odessa

o.Yevhen horde, Dean of the parish of St. Catherine's Chaplain, the UOC-KP, Chernihiv

o.Vitaliy Yurochko, parish of the Nativity, the UOC-KP, Pryluky, Chernihiv region.

o.Mark LUHANOVSKYY, parish Alex man God, the UOC-KP, the city of Mena, Chernihiv region.

o.Oleh HUDASKO, John parish, the UOC-KP with. Hayenky, Ichnyansky district, Chernihiv region.

o.Volodymyr PED, Pastor Svyatohorivskoyi parish, the UOC-KP, c. Sednyev, Chernihiv region.

o.Onufriy Repetsky OSBM Monastery of St. Joseph Betrothed, Church, village of Bryuhovychi, Lviv region.

o.Roman Ataman, administrator Parish Resurrection Church, Kremenchuk, Poltava region.

o.Vasyl KOLODCHYN, pastor of the Parish Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul Church, m.Yuzhne, Odessa region.

o.Taras PAVLYUS, Parish Administrator Holy Trinity Church, s.Shevchenkove, Square district, Mykolaiv region.

o.Ihor Fedoryshyn, rector of the church of Basil the Great, s.Vysoke, Monastery Dean Church, chaplain PA "Trident" them. Bandera

Mitred Archpriest Sergei TKACHUK, Pastor Sretensky chapel in the Lviv area of Kiev, UOC-KP, kapelan Kiїvskogo Craiova Brotherhood of OUN-UPA


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