Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Beating Scram Bracelet

Andrew Parubiy: Networking bold

offensive power of our rights, our dignity, our continued prosperity.

There are growing prices for gas, water, electricity, food first necessary, for utilities, gasoline. It seems that the Ukrainian government wants to prove to the complete impoverishment. Both spiritually and physically.

Public movements organized protests on each of the offensive power. Unfortunately, these performances often not organized, not mass.

We oboronyayemos. It brings a certain result, but only local. Rocking machine spins up.

While we only zahyschayemos, they worry. While we are not organized - They have solved their hands. While few of us and we are acting in the usual way - they beat one of those able to resist.

should also take the main line Front is not in the political sphere and in civil plane. So today is extremely important self free people in the fight against scoundrels, power which occupied rooms. And the color of the party ticket is not important.

I am convinced: the movement of civil resistance should move to a new level. To effectively counter the actions of the authorities suggest the following guidelines to help us become more organized and efficient.

Principle One: in public resistance movement we are not conflicting with each other.

We witnessed as mutual destroyed and destroying political opposition. You can not afford to let this virus destroyed from within, and social movement.

Whoever sows hatred in the public resistance movement should be seen as a person who does not understand the logic itself our movement and consciously or unconsciously act in favor of the government.

Principle Two: specialization and cooperation.

Each of the social movements working in a public sector. Some deal with the problems of entrepreneurs, others are struggling with the traffic police arbitrariness.

someone working in the journalistic environment, someone - in art, someone - in the religious. Someone raises the issue on the agenda of rising prices, while others - the issue of corruption in government.

Some are doing everything possible to prevent destruction of the Ukrainian education Tabachnik, exposing other wrongful actions by the police, put on the agenda the problem of corruption in the police. Everyone keeps

their fronts. But you must understand that the total front of us one.

So, leaning on their part we should coordinate their actions and to strengthen Mutual. Respecting the principle of specialization as an important and relevant, we must learn to interact together and to direct all its forces to where this currently the biggest threat to the common cause.

Principle Three: in civil resistance movement should not be appointed the princes.

We are witnessing the vozhdyzm as destroying political opposition. Personal ambitions often undermine the joint effort. In the resistance movement of course have to be leaders, but their leadership should be based on their authority, creativity, daily activity and ability to organize effective action.

status, high offices, jeeps, secretaries and health do not matter. On the contrary, they sow alienation.

Principle Four: how our business should be as easy and available for public participation.

Traditional forms are needed, but should look and new and more effective. Protest The public mood is high, we simply have find the appropriate forms to be updated. To a person dissatisfied with the actions of government, could take part in the protest irrespective of geographical and place of residence.

Internet gives us a good platform for communication. The new forms should make it possible to easily join the resistance per share comers. The first stage is an important issue of information warfare.

need to understand: before people will take to the streets en masse, it is important to get victory on the information front.

Principle Five: our actions must be as biting of. They are already adapted to traditional forms of resistance: pickets applications. Without rejecting them entirely, we must seek new and unexpected countermeasures. What they did not expect.

corrupt system of power most afraid of publicity. Organized and systematic fight against corruption of officials - one of the methods of resistance and attack.

not in general, and every such corrupt. Personal responsibility frightens them. Let potsikavymos on which cars they drive, where estates are. Check potsikavymosya their income and whether they are commensurate with their costs. Because each of us knows the truth.

government team can buy TV channels, the closed chamber opposition channels. Let's response to each such purchased or closed cell chambers include one thousand of our mobile phones.

We can not show reports from the powers of life on Inter - post them online. They it is not yet subject. And, sure, and will not subject - too expensive. In China main spending item in the budget is spent on control over the Internet. Our government will not pull.

They come into our homes without permission. Let us come at their mansion, do photos, post online and ask all along: the costs built these palaces?

This is only one way to remind them that they live on our taxes and we have the right to watch them closely. And this - our duty.

Let each become correspondent Resistance. And together we will prosecutors to corrupt officials.

Resistance Movement should demonstrate: citizens will not tolerate lawlessness of the officials. We have to build bold network of people for whom self-government would have no reason to fear as a signal for action. Any totalitarian regime is afraid of its citizens.

Each where the government oversteps the limits, it must feel our resistance. I know: not only they, but we closely watch them, do not leave alone and alert.

Clearly, such active position, we will call the fire itself. Arrest Dmitry Hoverdovskoho who shot video of infamous GA-shnykom Sweden is is a vivid example.

why organized resistance movement should exclusively by volunteers, people able to act. There are no financial or career dividends participation in civil resistance will not.

Only active and brave people can effectively resist the regime. Therefore, essential to join the Resistance - become free, become courageous.

Obviously, there are principles will be further expanded and improved. But at the same time, there is extreme need to do the first and decisive step forward - towards self-organization and efficiency of civil resistance.


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