Monday, February 28, 2011

Can Data Can Manipulated Aid

In Samara, the Armenians lamented Sahakyan, who was killed by unidentified

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In Samara Rally memory SSU student Armen Sahakyan, who was killed on January 15. People who came to honor the memory of the deceased third year gathered at the bus stop, where the tragedy occurred. As reported Information Center of the newspaper of Armenians of Russia Yerkramas », relatives, friends and classmates came with flowers and lit candles, and then went to the cemetery.

Recall that the murder occurred on January 15 at the bus stop "Postnikov ravine. Armen Sahakyan stabbed in the chest about eight o'clock in the evening. The guy admitted to hospital with penetrating knife wound of the chest about 21:30 pm, but to save him failed. Many observers do not believe the murder Armen random. They could not help noticing that the killing of Armenians occurred in the day shares Memory football fan Yegor Sviridov, who was killed Caucasians December 6 last year. A criminal case was initiated under the "murder" without qualification, so as not to spoil the statistics and does not attract the attention of high chiefs.

«That evening he phoned friends and asked to note the successful end of the session, - Said his father, A. Sahakyan. - He sat on the tram, follow the route number 13, and left at the stop "Postnikov ravine. According to our assumptions, stuck right behind him group of young people, about five people. I think they were skinheads, because that day was 40 days after the murder of football fan Yegor Sviridov. Medical examiners have told me that he plunged a knife under the heart, pulled up and provernuli to 180 degrees. However, Armenia was able to walk another 15 meters before stopping and ask the taxi driver to take him to hospital. On the way to hospital he died. " From the words of the father killed the student, his son did not take anything of value, although it is used in this evening was a gold chain and bracelet, a good watch, mobile phone and a small amount of money in your wallet.

However, law enforcement officers had the A different view, despite the fact that the suspects in the crime the investigation is still lacking. "One of the versions of the causes of crime police calls the robbery. But what about the robbery can there be if Armen with them had the money, cell phone and gold chain. None of this is lost. This is already the third such case in the past year ... "- expressed his opinion the head of the Samara regional public organization" The Armenian community of Arthur Martirosyan.

noted that attacks on people of other ethnicity in Samara has already happened. So, more recently, the Kirov District Court in Samara convictions 19 year old local resident Bronislaw Prischepa for an attack on people because of ethnic hatred. According to the Federal Security Service of Samara Oblast, B. Prischepa was a nationalist group whose members beat people of non-Slavic appearance. "In 2010, the Office has received information about this group. It turned out that at the next attack from the beatings he died a citizen of Kyrgyzstan ", - said in a statement.


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