Monday, February 28, 2011

Miley Cyrus Great Boobs?

Interview with Chinese Oops! gang Misandao

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From the interpreter: salute to kids, so decided to amuse you interview with the mentally underdeveloped alcohol guko-skins from the Celestial Empire. If anyone remembers in September at the site of right-wing news flashed Redskins Mexx from Estado 29 , so that in the series "in the animal world," added a new theme. To laugh or to spit it yours, but be glad brothers in the superior race, that in our countries (Russia, Ukraine, etc.), the ultra-shy trupnikov from "Ghost 69" and skinheads NA clearly separate the with such bald punks. But on the "blessed" in the West for "NA / WP» journals is not uncommon to take Inti with "apolitical, anti-racist, pro afashnoy" bandulkoy, if not with the South American mestizo / mulatto .... Rattle stripped of ¡Santiago y cierra! English Skinhead Blogzine.

ps our "traditional" pray for us, and clean shoes in the morning! Stolen Culture heh, heh!

I present to you an interview with China's Oi / streetpunk Misandao gang from the city of Beijing, they are purest British Oi / punk in the spirit of the Last resort, 4 skins, Business, etc. When I listen to them, I realized that the world is turned upside down.

1) Hi Laijun, tell us how you collected Misandao, presented to the participants?

I - vocalist on vocals Mark, Sung I Moon (Sun Ya Lun) and Luba (Liubao) - guitar, Guoyang - drummer. Original lineup - I and Mark.

2) What is the scene in China, and specifically in your city?

In China, there was no punk scene until the 1990's, our band appeared in 1999 as a punk project, but since 2001 we wanted to be skins.

3) How to transfer your name?

Misandao - a traditional Peking sweet dessert for tea, we ourselves are not sweet, but on the day of naming the group get drunk to unconsciousness and stopped at this word.

4) Why are your albums «Clamp down» 2002 and «Proud of the way» 2006 so different in sound and lyrics?

Well, in general, our first CD recorded with good sound, but the record itself is fucked.

5) Which groups are influenced your music? Top 10 of Misandao.

We listen to mostly British punk, and it defines our sound. Sham 69, 4 skins, The Business, The Adicts, The Opressed, Bad Manners. The Chinese do not like the scene.

6) On the « Proud of the way» you give tribute to Jamaican music, and, in addition, msypace we can listen «Boot and reggi night». Top 5 reggae?

Laurel Aitken, Prince Buster, Symarip, Madness and Bad Manners.

7) You have announced a new drive «Chinese bootboys», when it goes on sale, and which label it will emit?

In August, should arrive on the shelves of stores in Germany and in September we will look into the studio to record a bonus CD, which will emit a small German firm.

8) Do you like to give concerts? Which bands you shared the stage?

We live for gigs! The last time we played in Germany with The Adicts, The Casualties, Deadline, Angelic Upstars, Stomper 98. This year, waiting for the fest with Bad Manners!

9) Asian skinhead scene is plentiful. ... From the groups of China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, who are your favorites?

Raising flag and Oi! valcans from Japan, and Malaysia ACAB. Also in Malaysia, there are excellent ska and reggae team, but I forgot their names.

10) In 2007 Misandao visited Europe, tell us your impressions?

Yes in 2007 you pull up the first time in Germany, that tell us the fucking liked it, hit hard are good people and fucking beer!

11) What do you think about politics on stage?

We do not like that policy crap, dirt and boredom.

12) Are you interested in sport? You Spain we fanateem from football. As in China?

We also love football, our msypace you can check out the song «Guo An», this song is the first football anthem in the underground scene! Beijing Guo An FC, and we go every Sunday at their matches, if not drunk.

13) What do you advise to visit in Beijing?

makes sense to take a walk along the high road and the area of Tian Am Man (Tian an men).

14) Did you hear that the English team?

I would like you to come, but the scene did not know.

15) You felt the impact of the crisis?

course, I'm fucking deadbeat!

16) Plans for the future?

To come to your country and get drunk a beer with a English skin!

17) Thank you for an interview with our web blog! Latest words?

Keep the faith and keep in touch!

Source -

Translation - editorial board for the regular boom LIMIT HATRED
February 23, 2011, specifically for the site news right


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