Monday, February 28, 2011

How Do You Masterbate Blog

Canadians were arrested for the Roman salute in Berlin in

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Police in Berlin arrested a resident of Quebec, Canada, poses for a photograph in front of the Reichstag with upturned hand in a Nazi salute. As reported by reference to Der Tagesspiegel publication The Local, the incident occurred on Saturday, February 26.

According to The Daily Telegraph, law enforcement officers put handcuffs on Canadians in just a few seconds after he threw up his hands. Together with a tourist was detained by his girlfriend, a citizen of Germany, which was questioned along with it, writes Toronto Star.

Soon after questioning and paying mortgage Canadian freed. It is reported that out of his camera confiscated the flash card, which was shot in front of the Reichstag. No charges brought against tourists was not. Meanwhile, The Daily Telegraph says that most likely he got a warning and a fine. Will apply any sanctions to his girlfriend, is unknown.

Nazi salute in Germany is considered a criminal offense punishable with imprisonment up to three years. Meanwhile, writes the British edition, hundreds of tourists annually make the same mistake as the ban on gesture know not all.



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