Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valima Invitation Templates

Give free circulation of weapons!

56.73 КБ Sooner or later the Ukrainian should legislate free circulation of weapons! Here again the Swiss rejected a liberal audience to get them to surrender their weapons state ...

Sunday in Switzerland held a national referendum to strengthen control of the firearm is stored in the population.

According to official results of the referendum, the majority of Swiss citizens voted against the initiative (57%). Thus, the Swiss left a entitled to storage of firearms at home.

put to a national referendum initiative proposes to introduce compulsory storage Army weapons in the arsenals of the special and create a national register of firearms (enter compulsory registration of weapons).

final results of the referendum show that the initiative on strengthening control over weapons possession residents rejected 19 of 26 cantons of the country. Most rejection of this initiative met in the canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden and Obwalden (72% against).

In Switzerland, all men have to undergo compulsory military training, although the country decades did not participate in wars. Until 1950 the Swiss are considered reservists and military training held annually.

Under applicable laws, army Swiss keep weapons at home. Thus they can keep their weapons and once they turn 50. Proponents of the referendum call for strengthening rules for storage of weapons, banning the storage in the home. According to them, keeping weapons at home annually provokes some 300 murders and suicides. Opponents of the initiative claimed that weapons makes them feel secure and positive impact on the overall level of crime in the country.


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