Thursday, February 3, 2011


CONTINUED. From the archives of party revival of the Ukrainian Church.

(Yeletsky), Vicar Kiev Eparchy, which presented a proposal to vote by secret ballot during the election of the head of the Church and the inadmissibility of his election to this position to end of life.
course, found other reasons, but real cause removal of Bishop Jonathan lies in the attempt to democratize UPC.

I am convinced that if the leadership of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church got rid of stereotypes in understanding of church life in Ukraine, the conflict has not gone to so far. Moreover, the idea of independence of the Orthodox in Ukraine and has considerable support among the bishops of the UOC, which means that we have every reason to hope for the future unification of all Orthodox in Ukraine.

- However, such a merger, although all longed for, is a matter for the future. Today we have three major religious organizations that define the nature of inter- Relations of Ukraine. Wondering where UAOC has the greatest potential for consolidation and growth?

- Our Church has so and opportunities throughout Ukraine and , especially in areas where better preserved Ukrainian Near East plishment language and Ukrainian culture. G recommended -Catholicism for the recognition of those bishops is her church - a regional phenomenon. Story tically he m aye strong positions only in Galicia. In other regions of the republic it will spread slightly. Primarily in large cities where there will always be goods and services and to wizards most of the existing churches, hre Co. -Catholicism here is no exception. In rural areas, parish act in places of compact residence of immigrants from Galicia.

- So eventually decide durably distinction between spheres of influence of the Greek Catholic and Orthodox churches. One can only say about the unacceptability of harassment of a church of believers of other supporters. This is especially clear, if we recall that t and oppression caused by people who recently suffered the same persecution. This equally applies to both Church , and UPC.

As for relations between UAPTS UPC, there are also changes happen. It is not possible to recognize a normal situation where the head of the UOC is a permanent member of another Church of the Holy Synod - ROC. Ruthenian Orthodox Church by its Charter-registered at the Ministry of Justice of the RSFSR, not Union. So she has the right to conduct its activities only in Russia and other republics, that a sovereign state will have to enter into contracts for such activity. Full and real self-Orthodox in Ukraine are included into the UPC - right near future. And behind it and start the association.

In St. Protection church in Kiev hem. Protection 1991

- the way, as other Orthodox churches relate to the existence of two Orthodox Ukraine Church structures?

- We do not know the reactions to these developments within the ecumenical Orthodoxy in general, but Constantinople Church, whose position is extremely important, recognized the canonicity of the ROC in the borders established in 1593. So even when Kiev was in Metropolitanate jurisdiction of Constantinople, not the Patriarch of Moscow.

text message from the Patriarch of Constantinople Patriarch Demetrius Mos-Jukovsky Alexy II on January 10, 1991 suggests that the Ecumenical Patriarch denounces not only the pressure of Greek Catholics to the Orthodox in Ukraine and foreign claims Ruthenian Orthodox Church, and seem to move avtokefalistiv, that our Church. However, we know that the patriarch was Demetrius accurately informed about events in the religious life in Ukraine. As a result, he identified "movement avtokefalistiv" with the movement - ANR and, naturally, as a church worker treated negatively to active political activity of such "religious organization." But in real life it does not exist. NAO - a socio-political movement, and UAOC - church. In many ways they support each other, but their task in public life are quite different. I will not make an attempt to formulate program goals ANR and relatively UAOC emphasize that it exists for the service of God and salvation of man. So we hope over time to quite positive assessment of our activities by the Ecumenical Patriarch.

Vyboryuvanya for UAOC Transfiguration Cathedral in Dnepropetrovsk in 1992

- If we are talking about universal Orthodoxy, is could you say that takes place in UAOC diptych?

- We believe that the main thing today - to provide full-life of the Church, and later its place in the diptych is determined. Some bishops have spoken to me UPC: "Unite and take fifth place after Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem churches. But I do not think that the ROC will relinquish their current positions in favor of the Orthodox in Ukraine. Therefore, placement in a diptych, which will belong to the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church .- thing of the future and the present case - the creation of the Church itself.

Metropolitan Volodymyr (Romaniuk) Patriarch of the UOC-KP.

died at mysterious circumstances in 1995

- Judging from your story, becoming UAOC not devoid of difficulties. I think that readers would be interesting to know more detail about the factors that contribute to the development of your Church or stand on its obstacles.

begin with the latter. The process of revival of the Church argues that its success depends on the level of democratic government. You know that long UAOC not registered authorities, although there were her parish. Of course, I understand that the Church had konstytuyuvatysya before getting recognition. But such recognition, до певної міри, стримувало її становлення. Непорозуміння з владою
стримують його й понині. Наведу кілька прикладів. У Західній Україні, як
відомо, до складу authorities became many people sympathetic to the Greek-Catholics, so our faithful in some cases face misunderstanding on their part, especially when it comes to resolving disputes that arise between them and the Greek Catholics. Or else. Until now, Mstislav and Patriarch of the Church governing bodies have premises where could adequately accommodate the residence and patriarchal controls UAOC. Therefore, the Patriarch had to time since HIV vid'yizdyty to the U.S. and not be permanently in Ukraine. All this complicates the life of the Church.

I've had to talk about the rebirth of opposition from UAOC other churches that once were the object of harassment and should know all their destructive power. Of course, if you talk about is opposition from the ROC, and more the part that now is the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, it should be borne in mind that its believers are not to blame in that course for the church lay them bishops, which are in captivity imperial ideas. These leaders are consolidated with the administrative and command structure, including the district level, and try to resist the development of our Church. Allied same structure using these two forces to save the Union in its old sense, preventing the case strengthening national sovereignty, including in the sphere of religious life.

hinder us as the weakness of vertical structures power. This leads to the fact that at the district level, for example, treatment of the laws to some extent affect the life of the Church remains a significant element subjectivism. And someone's personal tastes are known not contribute to the equality between believers of different churches.

the pace revival our church charities, especially at the beginning, marked by the efforts of PMU, Ukrainian Language Fellowship. Shevchenko "Enlightenment," all democratic forces, who are concerned about the independence of Ukraine. Here have their share and MPs who defended our interests in parliament. And the new Democratic Party orientation contributed to UAOC reached today's success. However, there are some difficulties. These parties together like-minded political structures, but their members are believers or sympathizers of the various churches, and it often results in their decisions DISCREPANCIES between central and local activity centers. But the main factor that contributes to the revival and strengthening UAOC the will and desire of the Orthodox faithful believer in self-governing church affairs in Ukraine.

- And finally, last. Textbook has become a claim that the church in our society separated from the state, but it will never be separated from the society, its problems. Church - the people. In this regard, the question of social essential activity of your Church.

- Today more difficult to pr at priorities in the social service our church. It is, as already noted, in a state of becoming, has a weak financial capacity. But what good is that the development of our Church falls district a time when virtually no artificial obstacles to its service of the world where vo can do what it was doable and t fulfilling the goals of Christ Church winning, and not have to spend effort whether st to authorized government action.

various forms of ministry spilstvu tell exactly life of their parishioners RH dut, brotherhood and sestrystva. Their cooperation with believers of other religions and churches in serving the society, a man of I think, will smooth the existing conflict narodzhuvatyme understanding, mutual respect, will contribute to the formation of a society in which dominate civil harmony, peace, tranquility and good.

Patriarch Mstislav not admitted to the grave TG Shevchenko in Kano commanded by the Metropolitan UOC-MP.

Holy Mstislav was forced to sit

on the stairs before Shevchenko's grave

and listen to the poet!

What Ukraine needs the Church?


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