Sunday, February 20, 2011

How Much Does Gum Treatment Grafts Cost


I read that the Regions do not rule out changes to electoral law in the context of increasing threshold to 7%. Who wins this?!

- Party of Regions and Homeland from such a step in the black, they overcome this barrier without problems and are ready to dissolve in some small parties soyih ideologically close party formation.

- Communists and the Lytvyn Bloc in its passage. I do not know what they should do and with whom blocked. Is the CPU starts to create a "Left bloc" which will include other smaller leftist parties such as the formation Vitrenko, Nikolaenko, Frost, etc. For Lytvyn general partners do not see, except pour in PR.

- To Change Front which according to recent polls Center Razumkov received 10%, if such changes in legislation are terrible and yet for pidstrahovky Yatsenyuk will have enhanced group-Katerynchuk Gritsenko, that will add interest or two.

- Freedom enough in a difficult position. Five percent support they already have, but the bun is in question or two. Why? First two percent can grow, but where is the guarantee that the PR does not calculate 6.97% or something like that? On the other hand, as shown on the rating that basically in the electoral bastion of freedom in Galicia, she took power and should be in 2012 report some success. In economically depressed regions of Galician is too difficult. It is easy to criticize all, but too difficult to prove that you really can make a difference. Also should consider a commitment to the changing Galician people where idols may change too quickly. In principle, in Liberty two solutions: to continue his independent campaign for BP or begin a dialogue with adequate and not yet tarnished by national Democrats. Are there any? Let's own answers ...

- And in fact national-democratic camp situation is very unfavorable. Even when all the players on the field unite in one party is not save them and 7%, they do not overpower it. In addition to adding all party components. occurs within management of these structures and ideological component updates that will be interesting for the Ukrainian people.


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