Thursday, February 3, 2011

Iliac Crest Has A Lump Causes Pain

party revival from the archive Ukrainian Church. What we vidrodzhuvaly Church in the 90's?

Man and World popular science magazine religious society "Knowledge" Ukraine in October 1991

«For the service of God and salvation of man»

Turbulent and complex processes revived churches, wasted his time by a totalitarian regime, including the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, has attracted considerable interest not only believers but also the general public. These issues were the subject of conversation and Options magazine "Person I world" Victor Bondarenko (more than 10 years, Bondarenko was the Chairman of the Committee on Religions of Ukraine * explanation o.Serhiya Tkachuk) permanent member of the Patriarchal Council UAOC Bishop Anthony.

* Bishop Anthony (in peace Masendych Ivan) was born in 1961 in Lviv. After the Ivano-Frankivsk Medical School and military service was hired to Vladimir diocesan administration. In August 1982 with the blessing of Vladimir and Suzdal, Archbishop Serapion tonsured, and later ordained to the rank of deacon. Externally finished Moscow Theological Seminary, served in Vladimir, Voronezh and Novosibirsk dioceses. In 1990 he was elevated to the rank of Archimandrite. In June of the same has passed into the jurisdiction UAOC and appointed administrator of the Diocese of Rivne metropolitan UAOC. In September 1990 consecrated bishop in Rivne and Ostrog, and later appointed as managing the affairs of the patriarchal office. In 1991 he was elected a permanent member of the Patriarchal UAOC.

* At the time of interview already Archbishop . In 2001, died in unclear circumstances.

first hierarchy Restored UAOC 1990. Kosmach

Bondarenko .- Your Eminence, our meeting takes place just before the anniversary of the Local Council UAOC. The past seventy years after the Council 1921 absorbed and prosperity of the Church in your 20's, and its "dissolution" difficult and controversial process its revival during wartime and times when the Church lived only in the diaspora. UAOC Today, despite the heterogeneity of estimates of its activities in society - reality of religious life in Ukraine. What is it, modern UAPTS? It revived? Introduces readers to the hierarchs who led it.

martyrs Metropolitan Vasyl UAOC Lypkivsky shot in 1937

Bishop Anthony - head of the Church Patriarch of Kyiv and All Ukraine Mstislav (Skrypnyk). He, along with the Synod of Bishops and operated by the Church. Between the Councils management responsibility of the Patriarch's Council. This is a temporary body that will receive final clearance of the Local Council UAOC in October this year. When we turn to the analogy, the functions of the Patriarchal Council about such same as, for example, functions in the Holy Synod of the ROC. However, there are significant differences. Since our church is Sobornopravna , then a member of the Patriarchal Council, except three bishops - Archbishop Anthony Washington, Archbishop of Ivano-Frankivsk Andrew and me, are also three priests and three laymen - two from Ukraine and one from the diaspora. The same management structure is in the diocese. There the bishop in his work also relies on the diocesan board, and is undivided holder in the diocese as that practiced in the Ruthenian Orthodox Church. However, for spra-vedlyvosti should be noted that in principle the ROC recently sobyurnosti in the management becomes more visible. However, the development of upper levels of management structure of the Church is far from over. Near future plans create the Office of the departments that manage its entire life in the external church relations, publishing work training, economic activities etc. .

consecration of Archimandrite Volodymyr Romaniuk bishop UAOC

job nevidrehulovanist on these issues because our church is still in the making. Today it has six foreign dioceses, y united at the Metropolis of the American Center in South Bound Brook-, and fourteen dioceses in Ukraine. In a separate diocese merged parish of Kyiv. Near it exists and Kiev diocese that covers the territory of the Kiev and Cherkassy regions. Lviv-Galician Metropolitanate unites believers Lviv and Transcarpathia areas. Ivano-Frankivsk-to-Kolomyis'ka Diocese coincides with the territory of Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil-Buchach occupied the region, Khmelnytsky Podolsky Diocese of believers united in our Brussels, Chernivtsi, Bukovina - in Chernivtsi, Rivne, Zhitomir, Kiev, Kirovograd, The Chernihiv, Sumy, Donetsk, Luhansk and Kharkiv and Poltava Eparchy - respectively in these areas, Kherson, Mykolaiv - in Kherson, Mykolaiv and Odessa, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya - in Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia region and in the Crimean Autonomous Republic.

Naturally, not all of the diocese have the same specific weight in the Church. Today I have no exact data about the number of parishes in each of them as the situation is not changing day. I note says that Ukraine has now about 1300 Church's parishes.

Staff clergy we prepare to Lviv, Ternopil and the recently opened Volyn Theological Seminary, as well as pastoral and theological courses in Kiev.

Vyboryuvanya Nicholas Church in Kiev for the Clip UAOC

in the Church is the great value of publishing. Going here, you probably noticed to stand with literature that we offer believers and people who are interested in the life of the Church. Unfortunately, we do not yet have your publisher. Therefore it is necessary trust services to cooperatives and state publishing houses. Until recently we had to make such an order even in the Baltics, as it does not always found understanding of our problems in Ukraine. But lately there is some progress. Today, in addition to theological literature, books and brochures on the history of Ukraine and her church, we publish a newspaper "Our faith - Orthodoxy", ( * this newsletter called Our Faith E. Sverstyuk privatized in 1993) magazine Church and life, newspapers in several dioceses and more.

Committee members UAOC revival. Whitsunday 1989

Face the camera stand Leonid Milyavskiy Larissa Lokhvyts'ka Inna Chernyavskaya + Sergei Nabokov . Nicholas Temple UATSP Prytyska

I can not remember the good word of efforts to revive the Church, which makes St. Andrew. This socio-religious organization maintains a huge educational work on the history and contemporary life of our Church. Great expectations we hold as the sisterhood that created today.

* Photo third from the right - an active member of the Brotherhood St. Andrew

Vladimir Katelnytskyy killed in 1997 -100 nozhevyh holes in the flesh!

-People are watching the developments in and around UAOC it is easy to notice the discrepancy between the number of dioceses and bishops in your Church. However, one of the thorniest issues that can occur in an editorial mail concerning the canonical bishops in UAOC. Z at you can say about this ?

* Bishop John (Bondarchuk) spent more than 10 years was head boyivky UPA

died in 1994 "car crash»

- Indeed, this discrepancy is. 's church has ten bishops who work in Ukraine. In addition, Metropolitan John (Bodnarchuk http:/ / ) in the past months virtually ruled Lvov metropolitanate illness, and now under treatment at all. So, several bishops have to take care not only his diocese, but also others. For example, the bishop of Kherson and Tavriya Roman and I recently conducted temporarily in each of the three dioceses parish and the Chernihiv, Sumy diocese subordinate deaneries. However, this is a temporary phenomenon. Recently conducted the consecration of three bishops. On Dnipropetrovsk of bishops was appointed Abbot of Saint Panteleimon (Romanovsky), on Kamjanetsky and Khmelnitsky - Archimandrite Anthony (Fialko) in Rivne - Archimandrite Polycarp (Pahalyuka). Subsequently, this work will continue.

Now regarding the second part your questions. Canonicity bishops - an important condition for the existence of each Church and the recognition of other churches. As in the 20's, UAOC faced here with some difficulties. Although, unlike the period, our church used the traditional model of episcopal ordinations, when the new bishop ordination participating the required number of existing bishops.

first was held consecration of Bishop of Ternopil and Buchach Basil (Bodnarchuk) now archbishop. In fact, as I understand, one may doubt the canonicity of the episcopate UAOC associated with this date of installation.

-Yes. As Metropolitan John of UAOC, held in June 1990 in Kiev, and later made statements that in it, but it involved foreign bishop Ruthenian Orthodox Church, Wincenty (Chekalin) and the Archbishop of Ukrainian Orthodox Church, who wished to remain unknown. Name of the bishop we do not know today, and foreign church later said that Vikenty (Chekalin) not a bishop.

Bishop Vikenty Chekalin photo 1990 . Dyskredytovanay-intelligence services of "sex scandal»

What Vikenty Chekalin had miter confirms charter of the most authoritative hierarchy of the underground Church Metropolitan Volodymyr Sterniuk

- doskiplyvo We studied this question because, again, canonicity bishops - one of the cornerstones on which the Church is built. At the time, Metropolitan and Metropolitan John Kalinino Alex had ordained ( * 1986) Bishop Vikentiya for Catacomb Church, which had sympathy for the foreign church, but structurally it is not to belonged. Later ROCOR bishop has caused to America Vikentiya as their bishop. Now, she refused him. What we see the reason for this? Foreign church is known not only did the enemy to revival UAOC, but also to provide a self-Orthodox in Ukraine and Belarus, that was declared Bishops' Council of the ROC in January and October 1990 so its statement concerning episcopal authority Vikentiya (Chekalina) considered us as an attempt to prevent the revival of our Church.

Now with regard to third bishop who participated in the first ordination bishops pas UAOC. His name is known only member am this consecration.

Ternopil and Buchatskiy Archbishop Basil (Metropolitan Ternopil i Buchatskiy Basil in peace Bondarchuk Ivan M. ) gave the oath to the death did not discover this mystery. All of the not prevents our belief that yepys dig UAOC is canonical.

Bishop Basil (Bondarchuk), brother of Bishop John. spent 15 years in connection with the OUN-UPA. He died in 2006.

- guided by reader interest features of religious life at UK sion, let me put you more at dne question that is often found in l IS tah to the editor. Is there a fundamental different between your church and the Orthodox Church in the most important issues vishyh their activities?

- If you talk about it between the two canonical Orthodox church there is no difference. Our Church l yshe more oriented to Use IS ample Christian traditions Kievan koyi Rus, and UPC has a more traditional metropolis of Moscow. I will go voryv of conciliar our Church opposed to personal power, the bishop in in UPC. In the liturgical practice of the same cut this decrease is mainly in the language bohoslu female sion. We generally are of Ukrainian ka language service, but not discarded, rejected that shows that and Slavonic. In UPC, according to its traditions worship is one hundred lov'yanskoyu Russian language. Using UK folks until recently been rare istyu even homiletic activity UPC priests.

Personally I think that with time t and two Church must make one whole, I rolled by time of Prince Vladimir.

-We came very close to the issue of factors leading to mizhtserko lective clashes in Ukraine. Subjects mi zhtser Kovna conflict is UPC, ALM C and Ukrainian Greek Catholic is rkva. UPC is known, recognized the right of Mr. recom- Catholics profess religion parents . But activity UAOC regarded as «split» . What you see how mea du with situation in relations between these Churches?

- First it should be about not bypass ing communication of these bishops t erkov searches for acceptable Su ix cut making process. With such con bishops UPC groove were particularly and personally for me, but they had no official character zust affairs. known that initiated positive zru Shen the ROC in relation to the Greek-to atolykiv was Metropolitan Kirill (Hundyaye c). This once again argues that the modern church and vision problems suspilnoh development of the progressive-minded bishops is of paramount importance to prevent the growth conflicts.

Unfortunately, the chapter UPC Metropolitan Filaret trying to curb the attempts of certain bishops of the Church democratize its activities closer to the needs of believers. Take, for example elimination of church affairs Bishop Jonathan



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