Monday, February 28, 2011

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system introduces in the RF global control

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President Dmitry Medvedev instructed to intensify work on the introduction of e-passports " for the Russians, despite the fact that the chip has not yet created a domestic production. "Wait until we create a chip that will not, otherwise he would never create. Implement foreign-chip "- the president said Monday at a meeting of the committee on the modernization and technological development of economy.

Once established Russian chip will be made reinstallation, and the cards will be reissued. "No problem it will not create respect database, you need to be afraid of another - think that this is my request to the Government to act now in this way "- quoted Medvedev, Interfax reports.

He called for three months - to fly - to finalize the legal documents on implementation of universal e-card (UEK) citizen Russia, stating that it "will become the second most important identity documents in the country, and perhaps the first", RBC reports. "The passport - a document formal He will be presented in rare cases "- the president said.

- Medvedev tried universal map Muscovite
- Muscovites Protest cards
- The state does not come up with information protection, but the card issue will not affect
- Dvorkovich exposed details of: using the card 50% of the money will go into clearing
- Talking about the design of maps, Medvedev joked about the mascots of Sochi-2014, selected "to taste tandem»

According to him, there is an idea to combine the universal map on one carrier with rights to control the car. Another idea is that the card in a moment would be one way to simplify the registration Russian citizens when they are moved around the country. "This will help both citizens and law enforcement agencies," - said Medvedev.

The Russian leader also finds an interesting idea of using UEK to vote in elections. "In this case, each citizen would have understood that his voice had happened. Potentially, if it is possible for the future, it would be nice, "-" Medvedev said, stressing that this perspective is not today and not tomorrow, but in any case "An interesting little thing."

According to the president, UEK be recognized both in Russia and abroad. "The map should not be some kind of home-grown product, who did not receive recognition in other countries "- said Medvedev, recalling that unsuccessful attempts to create a map of Russia have already been.

Medvedev called the project the implementation of a universal electronic card, "one of the most important" in the commission's work. "This will help simplify the bureaucratic procedures to improve the quality of public services, raise awareness of citizens about their rights, have a positive impact on the development of mass culture and non-cash payments "- he said.

«Universal card can be used as a bank, as a full legal tender in Russia, and for abroad ", - the president added.

Source: NEWSru


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