Monday, February 28, 2011

Sample Iterest Letter For Alpha Kappa Alpha

Nevograd were buried by Dmitry Antipov

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body of a native of St. Petersburg by Dmitry Antipov, before it was delivered to the city on the Neva. After holding at the insistence of relatives of autopsy for independent examination, funerals were held which were attended by 50 people. Under the watchful control of the police, the event there were no accidents.

told Vzglyad stepfather died Mikhail Mitrofanov, his trip over the body adopted son, was accompanied by increased attention from local law enforcement bodies: "The car is constantly stopped on the way there and back at all the post of DPS, I was detained twice in the Belsky and taken to the local police station, ostensibly to check their documents, was confiscated mobile phones and SIM cards, which never returned, "Mitrofanov said.

The official version of the administration Colony, 18 February 2011 during the evening checking Dmitry Antipov was found hanged in a cell a punishment cell on the segment's own T-shirts tied to the lattice. Such information Vzglyad told the prison officials on the phone. Mikhail Mitrofanov doubts in this version. "I've been in the chamber, inspected and it sure their own hang a man out there is simply impossible, "he said in an interview with LOOK.

Investigation Committee the Arkhangelsk Region and the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Erpulev refused to give the newspaper LOOK any comments on the causes of death Antipov and report the results provednnogo in the colony autopsy, saying that "the investigation verification deadline extended until 18 March 2011 and documents relating to its results, he will send to St. Petersburg relatives of the mail. " Thus, the decision to initiate or not to institute criminal proceedings on the prisoner's death is still pending.

St. Petersburg lawyer Andrew Fedorko, representing the Human Rights Centre "Russian Verdict, believes that the way a consequence of trying to delay time: "He is playing for time to passions subsided, and then expect everything to pull on the brakes," said the lawyer. However, according to him in prison Belsky death of a prisoner caused discontent among the prisoners, and he does not rule out of prison disturbances due to the fact that "the prison administration completely ignores the legitimate rights and interests of prisoners serving their sentences. " According to him on another inmate nationalist Maxim Polufakina, who was serving a sentence together with Antipov, the prison administration has a moral pressure to ensure that "Polufakin took responsibility would bring Antipova to commit suicide. "

Upon his return to St. Petersburg with the body's stepson Michael Mitrofanov turned into city offices forensic to conduct a new autopsy. The results will be ready within the next month, but as he said a preliminary examination of the body experts revealed injuries of varying severity, whose origin is to be seen.

At a funeral attended by up to 50 nationalist funeral rite, under the watchful control of the police pass without incident. The mother of the deceased Hope Antipova happened newspaper commented VIEW very briefly: "I will all ways to bring the perpetrators to justice in her son's death, because otherwise the other guys will have to kill with impunity in other prisons and jails. "

Dmitry Antipov was found dead in prison 42/14 Velsk in the Arkhangelsk region. According to one version, he was killed during clashes prisoners-of Caucasians on the other - committed suicide as a result of tightening conditions.

Source: Look


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