Saturday, February 19, 2011


Russian myths about the Greek Orthodox Church

Is it true that the Greeks had never practiced, why Greek women do not cover head of the church, where they have benches in churches - the spiritual life of Greece, the mythical and real, we talk with the priest Alexander Nosevichem, graduate of the Faculty of Theology, University of Athens, a cleric of the temple of the Holy Trinity in Athens.

Indeed in the Greek Orthodox tradition in the 20 th century due to the penetration of Western culture has changed: there were benches inside the church (although I note that stasidii monasteries were always long for worship), women stopped wearing headscarves, wearing trousers could go to the temple. But the Western influence on Russian Church much deeper and more serious. Just about now, we actually do not think. In Greece, these outside the retreat failed, thank God, the loss of the principal - Orthodox vnutrenneho osmыslenyya of faith.


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