Friday, February 4, 2011

Is It Ok To Get Waxing Done In Bali

march to Kyiv

whole year opposition brothers tried to tell the truth about the regime of Ukrainian Yanukovych. Something failed? Rated at least one one hundred thousandth meeting? Cease at least one presidential administration solution? Troubled with something? Forced to think about and dwell? No! In addition to tax the street, which vytvoryly without opposition to Yanukovych did not knocked anything it can not touch, it really does not hurt.

Ukrainian Really know about the villain of Tabachnik, Kharkov and the Covenant, and the monument to Stalin in Zaporozhye and other abuse and assault on the Ukrainian statehood as such. But let us recognize - is actually concerned about 10% or 15% of the population. But most disturbing of all or nearly all, as a condition of its own purse, as a result of successful or not successful the government.

So what I propose. On the anniversary of the dominion of Yanukovych to the most accessible text, facts, arguments bring to every Ukrainian ABSOLUTELY talentless ECONOMIC POLICIES regionals. All who oppose the regime: right, left, liberals, no matter by ideological views, should go to people and tell the truth about the economic policy regime. On the billions in loans, a growth of prices on absolutely zero economic "success" gang Azarov.

must produce millions of copies of the newspaper, leaflets and brochures. Programs on TV where they can display. Study videos on the Internet. Any propahadyvna products, which had to touch each Ukrainian village and town.

February-March-April needs to be a wave of propaganda and plan in May, I would call it so, "March of Kyiv. We must have start really shaking power system Yanukovych. How to successfully mobilize people, how to attract young people to action, how to organize the logistics of that do in Kiev - all questions that need to answer those who lead them by the people. What

think about this?


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