Monday, February 21, 2011

Humpty Dumpty Dill Pickle

Freedom vs Ukrainian Catholic University

a kind of private, but very important Ukrainian Catholic University founder of which is the Church. Establishment This authoritative not only in Ukraine but also abroad. You can also mention SBU history when workers tried to click on the UCU Rector Boris Gudziak and how many reputable institutions and individuals in defense of the university.

recently Miroslav Marinovich - rector of purpose and mission of the University wrote a critical article on the individual personalities of the "Freedom": "Keep hot have heart, but not the head" . Marinovich, a famous fighter for the restoration of Church, a dissident and political prisoner.

Once at the Lviv City Council submitted in the agenda the question of dismissal of the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) of rent for land on the street. TRADING UCU where the building of a new campus. "Svoboda", which has a majority in the municipality blocking binding than a decision to pay 760 thousand UCU. Even after a trip to the Head of Lviv Regional Council, Svoboda Oleg Pan'kevich UCU situation has not changed and again deputies refused University . While the Mayor and Mayor of Lviv and all other factions, but regionals, strongly in support of this issue.

So at a meeting February 18 with Lubomir (Husar) Galician three heads of regional councils, all the way Svoboda, argue that "Some employees UCU, in their opinion, have resorted to unfair criticism of "Liberty" in Ukraine ".

Now, just as the world conclusions: if a party which controls the local governments in some areas continue so "unbearable" will respond to the criticism of opponents is where we come in? The correct position in this case it is a discussion and dialogue where everyone is entitled to their opinion and the ability to defend and protect her.

Moreover Svoboda genie let out of the bottle, because games against religious institutions, especially the Greek-Catholic and more so tomorrow, Galicia can climb sideways ... I think already get out, because constantly communicate with individual priests and leaders UGCC had been allotted and know about their readiness conflict on this issue.

ps In light of recent events of February 21 "UCU said Liberty" .


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