Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How Long Does Plan B Stay In Your System?

Deputy chronicles

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Today For Ukraine! " and "Svoboda" blocked the rostrum and disrupted the session of Volyn Regional Council the refusal of most prorehionalnoyi put on the agenda the issue of abolition President of Ukraine Decree "On awarding Bandera title Hero of Ukraine" ...

own question by Bandera was hosted on the agenda, but 43 deputies from prorehionalnoyi most significant part of the support BYuT and some deputies from Our Ukraine, the Front for Change and "Sobor" removed it from consideration, while rejected put it in a vote by name mode. According

nationalists blocked the rostrum, by the way the first time in twenty years did not give the presiding continue. As a result, no session was held. At the next session will again seek to raise this fundamental question in the agenda and in accordance roll-call vote so that each had the opportunity to publicly vidhrestytys of Stepan Bandera and swear allegiance to Yanukovych's junta.


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