Monday, February 28, 2011


In Libya, attacking all blacks

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Natives from Kenya and Nigeria in a hurry leave Libya, plagued by clashes between troops and opposition forces supported by the head of the country's Muammar Gaddafi, because of frequent attacks by local residents, who consider them as mercenaries, acting on the side of Gaddafi.

flight landed in Nairobi, which brought from Libya 90 Kenyans, as well as citizens of Southern Sudan, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Zambia, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone and Burundi. Informs Reuters referring to the informed source.

Government of Nigeria reported on Sunday that the country had returned from Libya About a thousand people, the same number they expect in the coming days.

«They attacked us, considering the mercenaries Gaddafi. They attack all black people "- said one of the passengers of the flight, which arrived in Nairobi, said, .


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