Monday, February 28, 2011

Brunton Echo 440 Problems

Pedophile-radio host, corrupting young militiamen, candidly admitted throughout

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DJ Radio "C" Vladimir Fadeev, aka Fadei Fadeev, made a confession in a criminal case brought under Article 135 of the Criminal Code "Quite of sexual abuse against minors. " As reported by «URA.Ru» the press service of the police department in Yekaterinburg, after the charges Fadeev has written a frank recognized and confirmed that he repents of his deed. Immediately thereafter, Fadeev was transferred from the detention center of Internal Affairs of Yekaterinburg in jail № 1, where is now.

As explained to the correspondent of «URA.Ru» the press service of the police department of Yekaterinburg, all investigations are conducted with the participation of counsel Vladimir Fadeev and now petitions and comments from him have been reported.

sexual scandal involving a popular radio broadcaster in Yekaterinburg, erupted after the law enforcement operations and the fund "City Without Drugs". Detained students of the Lyceum of the elite police, spreading the drugs оперативники вышли на съемную квартиру, где обнаружили фотографии с обнаженными подростками в компании Владимира Фадеева. Более того, один из опрошенных employees of the City Without Drugs "high school students reported that he rents a room at the broadcaster, which has repeatedly come to his acquaintances, including freshmen лицея. Фадеев якобы угощал их крепким спиртным, а затем предлагал принять участие в откровенных съемках.

Верх-Исетский районный суд Екатеринбурга принял decision to arrest the leader on Feb. 19 after he repeatedly failed to appear on-call investigator. Fadeev was detained at the exit from a rented apartment on the street Vikulova. In the office, the radio "SI" after the criminal case against Vladimir Fadeev were searched, confiscated for the study of data from his desktop computer.

Source: «URA.Ru»


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