Monday, February 28, 2011

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Datsik attacked the officer and remained in prison for

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nationalist Vyacheslav Datsik, also known as Ginger Tarzan, who is now serving an eight-month sentence for possession of a weapon in a Norwegian prison Ila, gave it a fight with the warden, not to go free.

Law enforcement agencies of Norway would be released on Feb. 25 from prison early, but it was not in the plans Datsika told "MK" former head of the banned "Slavic Union", which includes Datsik, Dmitry Demushkin representing the interests of the athlete.

- Datsik spent two third term. And the public commission - in Norway, the questions of parole, unlike in Russia decides not to court - decided to let him go, because in the country should turn to stints in jail, and future cons of three to five years waiting to get into the camera - told Demushkin. - Then something Datsik and decided to stay behind bars in this way, giving the ear guards and door knocking.

Datsik said that he simply had nowhere to go to Norway after his release.

in tattoo parlor, which was also the headquarters of the SS Norway, on the eve of the committee's decision had been searched. All three activists - a Norwegian, Ukrainian and Estonian, in which decorated and tattoo parlor, - Arrested for possession of explosives. And besides them, the Datsika in Norway yet.

Two months later, will consider granting Vyacheslav Datsiku a residence permit in Norway. Demushkin considers that the case could well end in favor of the Red Tarzan. After this Datsik intends to continue performance in the fight without rules, and alleged in Norway are even willing to sign him.

Source: MK


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