Sunday, February 27, 2011

Linsey Mckenzie Planetsuzy

China as an appendage of the U.S.

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Recently, one of the biggest forums "Tianya even" (translated as "End of the World", there was one article, the author who called himself "The husband of Aunt Xiang Lin" (the name of the heroine of popular Chinese novel). He writes: "All the hints have become accustomed to the authorities that the" conspiracy of America destroys Chinese economy ". But is this really so? We have 10 simple questions "... and the article immediately became very popular in China.

As the author writes, the Chinese economy There are many oddities that we explain the fact that in all of this to blame a conspiracy of America. For example: a happy natural environment, which should be retained for future generations, has been destroyed, health and housing has been reduced to a minimum. In China, the lowest salary in the world, all this to the country emerged the cheapest work force producing the cheapest goods in the world, then to export them to America. There These commodities are exchanged for dollars that are printed on paper only. The money from the sale of these goods do not fall into the hands of the Chinese people, they are purchased U.S. bonds and equities, so that America could then use that money for the purchase of Chinese factories, banks and mines. Thus, America is seeking the purpose of his plot ... This is how we manipulate the power is, simply, "a conspiracy is ruining America, China and its economy ...»

But these "logical and obvious" explanations, there are some inconsistencies. And the author listed 10 questions to the authorities. As commented Xie Tian, a specialist on the Chinese economy, professor University of South Carolina, in an article published in the magazine "New Age» (New Epoch Weekly), all of these questions are very reasonable:

First question: If we are the major U.S. creditor, why we must simultaneously provide favorable conditions for attracting foreign capital?

«Good question!" - commented Professor Hsieh. China has U.S. bonds worth about one trillion U.S. dollars. At the same time, over the past 30 years in power China at various levels have provided favorable conditions and attracted foreign capital and worth around one trillion dollars. "Preferential Terms" - It sverhoplata for his contribution, that is, providing more favorable conditions for foreign owners of capital, sacrificing the interests of the Chinese. But it is not logical Do not buy U.S. bonds, and directly invest in China, not to borrow money from other countries and to sacrifice the interests of the country?

Why power of the Communist Party of China do not do? In fact, the U.S. nothing to do with such decisions are not Americans, and Chinese authorities. But if you ask the CPC Central Committee or of the State Council, no you will not answer. Because it is their hidden ways to rob people. They say that the wealth of the family Mubarak about $ 70 billion United States, but if you want to calculate how much wealth from the Communist Party officials at the ministerial level and the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee, you need to multiply these figures by 300 or 400.

Second question: What's reliable - the material wealth of China or the U.S. debt?
third question: Why should we export goods and change them into debt in dollars, then on each of them to print yuan, and not just print the yuan, as China's economic development?

From the standpoint of economy and finance, and then the other is wealth. First - it's material wealth, the second - is the financial wealth. In a normal economic system, these two types of wealth is very easy to replace each other. But in China, material goods can be transformed into financial wealth only through exports and their replacement by foreign currency. At the same time, financial wealth (foreign currency or bonds) can not just turn into material wealth, For example, a high-quality goods from abroad. Because China's strict controls on imports and foreign exchange. By law, the entire foreign exchange reserve should be printed Yuan in the same amount, why is inevitable inflation, which is now seen in China. The privileges granted to Chinese Communist Party, are the reason such a vicious circle.

fourth question: Why, when the country has enough money to compensate the factories to export (return of export duties, to stimulate exports), but no money to address the issues of housing, education and healthcare for the people? Why people should decide these questions?

Annually China pays for the return of the export duty of about 500 billion yuan that Chinese goods were cheaper and more foreign buyers to purchase goods even cheaper. Why all this? If you understand the causes of the first and the second question, you already know the answer to this question.

Fifth question: Why not pay people once more yuan to make everybody happy, why must pereotpravlyat wealth abroad?
And the sixth question was also in the same spirit: If attracted foreign capital in the U.S. still can not be used directly in China, then why not directly print money for the people to build plants?

These two questions seem naive. Because that's how everything is thought out: at a time when you rob the Communist Party, you should think that this is for the sake of people, and that is America robs you of wealth. If everything is directly distributed to the people, unless someone would give their wealth back to the officials? It both purpose-built canals to control the flow of capital of the country. In what direction will then go to these threads? Of course those who have built such a channel. Even the money that has already received people still climb back by high prices.

In paragraph 3, 5 and 6, the question arises: Why do plants and banks have given to the management of foreigners? Why is it that Chinese law banks can not lend money to their governments, and can give money only to America's debt, which "hates" China, as we say power?

If China has indeed hired professional directors to manage companies and banks, the situation is would be much easier, but the question is just in the fact that managers are not professional directors and specialists, and senior officials or their children, they control the country's finance system, which has the highest profit. If you understand the answers these questions, then you would have already figured out who is a real pest of the country and the Chinese nation, who is the real enemy of the people, not the America of which we kept repeating.

As any country, of course, America will take care of their own interests, but not anymore. She herself was in shock from such a hostile attitude of the Chinese people, nothing realizing it. But irrationality in the fact that recently released information according to which, according to official U.S. statistics, 74.5% of generation children's current officials of the Communist Party of China, whose positions above the minister, have a passport and residence permit in the U.S. 91% of the generation of grandchildren of those officials have U.S. citizenship. That is, in fact, they are American citizens. Try to add these issues together, using logic, then there can better understand this issue.

Finally, the tenth question is about public issues. The question is, what it means to "economic development"? This increase in life of the people (not officials, and their children) or an increase in foreign reserves?

seems to the author, "the husband of Aunt Xiang Lin" knows the answer, but is silent about it. Indeed, that at a time when China owns trillions of dollars and huge foreign exchange reserves, it is worth wondering when we are told that in China's 430 million people live on 7.2 yuan (about 30 rubles.) daily. But the Chinese Communist Party never thinks about these people, she thought about the "future development", which is not very much to the people. What do we do? Author, "the husband of Aunt Xiang Lin" in the article did not give a direct answer, but in the end referred to the sort of dawn for the pyramids in Egypt.

Source: Epoch


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